OpenEMR for Dental

jeff_sallade wrote on Friday, May 06, 2005:

Is anyone using OpenEMR for a Dental Practice?
If so, did you load your own billing codes?  Were any other modifications needed beyond adding dental billing codes?

sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, May 11, 2005:

Interesting question.  Where do dental billing codes come from, anyway?

My guess is that some modifications would be desirable, but it would take some involvement from a dentist to figure out what should be done.

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>

s315 wrote on Saturday, September 09, 2006:

Jeff, are you using and/or evaluating openEMR for Dental?
I’m interesting in using it in Dental office as well but I can not do anything until they come up with the fix to run it on php5.
It takes a bit too long.


wagenisa wrote on Monday, October 04, 2010:

Is there any updates on OpenEMR use in Dental practice? Is there any ongoing works on this?

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, October 06, 2010:


As of our experience with OpenEMR, it is an encounter based general practice EMR application.  If you want, you can create dental practice specific encounter forms based on your templates.

For form creation please refer

Hope this helps.

ViCarePlus Team,