OpenEMR en Español

sergiors wrote on Sunday, July 04, 2010:

Deseo por este medio contactar con quienes utilicen OpenEMR en español. Estoy trabajando en una versión demo de OpenEMR en nuestro idioma, eliminando las cuestiones no aplicables a países latinoamericanos.
Hay una serie de cuestiones de terminología diagnóstica, traducción más completa, enlace con bases de datos de prácticas médicas (nomenclador), etc, que sería conveniente desarrollar entre todos.
En la medida en que detecto más problemas y tareas los iré anunciando.
Saludos a todos
Sergio desde Buenos Aires, Argentina.

aperezcrespo wrote on Monday, July 05, 2010:

Saludos Sergio,

   Unas de las dificultades que surge es la gran variedad de dialectos que tenemos.  Para mitigar esto existe un modulo que permite ajustar el idioma regional y luego sincronizar con la tabla principal.  Una gran porción del español en el sistema proviene de Google Translate.  Otra parte de los Traductores que tienen acceso a la tabla (Google Document) de términos y definiciones.

En cuanto la eliminación de las cuestiones no aplicable:  Estas trabajando en una versión completamente independiente (Variante) o la versión original? 


Mil Gracias

blankev wrote on Tuesday, July 06, 2010:

Alfonso, (since I can read but not write in Spanish my comment will be in English.)

Would it be an option to have one (1) official Spanish translation and many optional dialects?
Than with the same perfection of the translation tables include all the dialects in the OpenEMR version?

My suggestion is as follows:
In OpenEMR the activation of the use of language translation could be something like (an If Then Else construction):

1. Use the translation of Spanish Dialect Carib Definitions
2. If there is no Carib Definition translation use the translation of South American Spanish Definitions
3. If there in no South American Spanish translation of a Definitions use the Official Spanish translation Definition
4. If there is no Official Spanish Definition translation use the English Constant.

It could also be more usable if some of these steps could be skipped according USER demands (f.e. skip step 2).

Now the only step taken is step 4. For all Languages.

(BTW,  I don’t know if I mixed Constant and Definition and am too lazy to find out since it is about the message.) 


aperezcrespo wrote on Tuesday, July 06, 2010:

Hi Pimm,

    Although I have still have a preference for Neutral Spanish,  but  this thread ( ) worked it out rather well for Language localizations.  The patch referenced in the thread allows you to sync in localized modification into the language tables.

This will allow the use of the main (in our case Spanish  translations) and yet manage and sync in our specific localized/dialect terms.  And in this thread brady also explains how to back it up.  So I can define, backup and use in the next install.


sergiors wrote on Tuesday, July 06, 2010:

I am using the original version of OpenEMR, and I intend to correct the translation mistakes.
In my opinion there is only one medical Spanish, so there is no need for dialects.

A few funny mistakes:**

The **SOAP form (subjective, objective, assesment, plan) was translated as Jabón (literally, soap)

In the bottom of a form, BACK was translated as ESPALDA, instead of ATRÁS.

The other aspects I found so far are related to localization in non-US countries. For instance, SSN should be replaced for ID, and such.

Within 2 days I will have my Spanish version alive at . You can use USER: admin and PASSWORD: pass as always to test it.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, July 07, 2010:


If your interested, you can also fix the translation mistakes in the main openemr translation tables:

If you want modification privileges of this spreadsheet, simply send me an email at .

More on the openemr translation project can be found here:


weput wrote on Wednesday, May 11, 2011:


I’m currently evaluating openEMR as an option for public health sector somewhere in central america  (don’t like to disclosure which country as this is not official).

anyways, the first thing we should/must do to contribuite is the translation…

I’m sending an email to brady a well requesting editing priviledges.

sergiors wrote on Thursday, April 11, 2013:

El proyecto de traducción quedó bastante completo. Me limité a la versión Latinoamericana, ya que algunos colegas sostenían que el lenguaje médico difiere entre continentes/países. Para realizarlo hubo que analizar en detalle y en paralelo la versión inglesa y española, ya que muchas palabras aisladas son intraducibles sin el contexto.
También subí al sitio Wiki mi traducción de la Guía del Usuario, basada en la User Guide 4.1 formato .pdf.