OpenEMR documentation project

Let us start an openemr documentation project. I volunteer to be part of it. It would be a project to keep up with installation and user instructions and changes. Kindly guide me.

Start by creating a section in this community for the documentation project.
Let’s make a handbook like this:

Let’s also write a handbook on the architecture, which would be good for developers. and for whoever would like to write modules for openemr.


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Hi Sandra,

That sounds like an amazing idea. As with most OpenSource projects the documentation can be a bit lacking.
Lately I have been focused on documenting things on the youtube channel.

But I agree the written documentation could use significant work too.

I believe OpenEMR is currently planning to apply for the Google Season of Docs program to help get some technical writers/students involved in the project and documentation.

Is the google season of docs application something you’d be interested in helping with?


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Hi Sandra, Rachel-
Having contributed to the OpenEMR documentation wiki
for several years I know how difficult to use it has grown to be. Nevertheless it contains a huge amount of documentation that is applicable to the 5.0+ releases and a merely large amount specifically for the 5.0+ versions.
Sandra, I’m curious if you envisioned starting from scratch, or had thought about migrating the existing docs as part of the ramp up to the new docs repo.
Also, if you haven’t yet, you might also want to get in touch w/ Robert Down to see what obstacles he encountered in his run at a docs repo.

Best- HT

Definitely not starting from scratch. I am also part of Robert’s documentation project. I have not heard about it recently. It is just that it has been 8 years now since my last involvement with openemr and I will again be using it full time, that I figured I could organize some of the information while I learn it all over again. There are a lot of changes.That’s all.
There has to be an easier way to track the documentation. Isn’t there a github for documentation?
It can’t possibly be this painful!!


Well, I see others in the OpenEMR are applying to google season of docs, so maybe they will take that bull by the horns.

If they’re doing anything I have skills in I will probably help out but I don’t see anybody with a plan yet.

The documentation project is a big undertaking and could use a TON of TLC. We are hoping to be accepted into Google Season of Docs which I believe would really help out our documentation.

We are about to freeze the current wiki and migrate to a new documentation management system. We are currently testing it and working on the migration plan. The new system will be much easier for writers to use and hopefully help elevates the overall quality of the documentation. Morgan McNamera has been working on documentation along with a couple of community members who aren’t active right now.

The GSOD application is taking my time right now, once submitted I can focus back on the migration plan/deployment.

Glad to see some interest in improving docs!


I will be using openemr in my new practice full time. I will help with documentation.


We’re discussing this project currently and just so happens to be time to apply to the season of docs.

Cool, thanks for letting me know. I put my 2 cents in.

Hi Sandra,
I know this thread is old, but I’d like to help if there is a meaningful way for me to do so.
I’ve enjoyed writing our own user documentation for legacy OpenEMR versions from 3.1.1 to 5.0 and a little for v6. I’m sure there is still some need but, not sure of the best way to donate my time. Any suggestions?

Hi @hitechelp -
This is Harley Tuck and I’ve been watching the docs project this post refers to since it began. It seems like a lot of people have some very good ideas but maybe no time to bring them to reality? Until the sexier or more modern- technology projects get on their feet I’ve been using what already exists: the OpenEMR project’s mediawiki document repository.

It has been around for a long time- right about since the beginning of OpenEMR, in fact. It has a bought- and- paid- for server infrastructure and is comparatively accessible to contributors. And it can always use contributions of documentation of new features, or old ones that have had significant functional updates.

I recently posted this to the forum as an intro to using the wiki to find information on OpenEMR:

then it accumulated posts about how to edit and contribute to it. It’d be a good place for you to start exploring what you can do to contribute your skills and talents to the OpenEMR project, if you’re interested in ‘wiki work’ as it were.

I mentioned in the wiki post above that I have developed a workflow for using LibreOffice Write to generate wiki pages. It’s a little intricate, but I don’t think it’s as involved as the other systems I’ve looked at that require adopting a lot of new habits and learning new technologies to produce what is essentially a fancy text page. I’d be glad to go over it with you.

And wouldn’t it be great to get all the best features of this marvelous healthcare tool finally documented? Keep in touch!
Best- Harley

Hi Harley,

I’ve used both Open & Libre Office suites for decades and a workflow layout would be a great place for me to start.


cool, I’ll get started on writing it up.
Best- HT

This thread seems to be dedicated to the effort to migrate the wiki to drupal, not talking about its current incarnation.
So’s not to hijack the thread I started another for the purpose:

  • HT