Openemr-cmd for generating random patients using synthea

I have installed openemr using docker after following the awesome tutorial on youtube OpenEMR Easy Docker Development - Introduction, Setup and First Pull Request - Video 1 - YouTube.

I tried to generate random patients using (openemr-cmd irp 10) for example but I got this error “Error: Unable to access jarfile synthea-with-dependencies.jar”.

I downloaded the jarfile to the …/docker/development-easy folder and tried to execute the command:

$ java -jar synthea-with-dependencies.jar -p 10

it’s working well but still with the command:

$ openemr-cmd irp 10

I’m getting the same error.

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Hi @daoud ,
Thanks for the report. Was unable to reproduce this. Guessing there was an issue when the command first ran (maybe the docker was unable to grab the jar over the internet or something like that), which should of looked like this:

Somewhat unrelated, but note that openemr-cmd up creates and starts the dockers, so no need for openemr-cmd start. The start command is used if you decide to stop the dockers but not remove them, such as:
openemr-cmd stop, which is something i do if don’t want the dockers hogging up cpu/memory and probably more secure for your computer to only have them up and running when testing them.

The paired commands openemr-cmd up/openemr-cmd down will actually build/start the dockers and then completely remove them; this is a great way to reset your easy dev docker testing environment when changing git branches or when things break.

In this case, my guess is there was a one time fail in the docker (ie. maybe was unable to grab that jar file over the internet) that messed things up. Recommend doing a openemr-cmd down followed by a openemr-cmd up (assuming you are ok with losing the data in your openemr testing environment) to reset/restart the environment. If you have data you need, then check out the video tutorial on snapshots/capsules which is a very cool way to save/maintain/use data in testing environments.

After the openemr-cmd up command, then ensure the start up is complete (by intermittently checking docker log with openemr-cmd dl). When it is complete, then try openemr-cmd irp 10 again. And let us know how it goes.

Thanks. I will try it.