OpenEMR API and calendar requests

Hi there,

I am going to attempt to write a NodeJS library to make using the OpenEMR API more accessible to developers, but first I would like to know if the API has the functionality in the sense that:

you can post calendar events
you can get calendar events (ie appointment metadata, etc)
get inventory stocks, etc.

I have not looked into HAPI FHIR API documentation, but I just wanted to clear it up first with you guys if the API has this kind of functionality.


hi @Medconsult,
api readme

there’s an appt service but no inventory yet, openemr/src/Services at master · openemr/openemr · GitHub

@Medconsult - HAPI FHIR does have appointment and Schedule resources. It is documented here
-ViSolve OpenEMR support team