OpenEMR and HL7

Has anyone had any luck using OpenEMR with RelayMed? Was told by the rep that OpenEMR could be used so long as it has HL7 capabilities. Also, do you need to pay a fee to use the HL7 capabilities?

We are looking for a program that can generate MPIs for us and this was recommended.

Thank you in advance!

HL7 is just a format that us a universal language that all software platforms understand, both for receiving and for sending. You would have to find someone who can go through the technical documents and create a widget that sends info to Relay Med according to their specifications.

I have experience in creating interfaces for submitting immunizations and pulling immunization histories using HL7. As far as I know, one doesn’t exist for Relay Med but I’d be happy to work with you. Please PM me and I’ll send you my information.

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your quick response. Before I move forward, can you please tell me if OpenEMR creates a MPI after you’ve entered the patient information into the program?

I also just heard back from RelayMed and they said they are specifically looking for
HL7 ORM and ORU specs.

I’ll have to look into that. What exactly are you trying to do?