OPENEMR 5 on Windows...Several Questions

I have downloaded version 5 and have installed it with a webserv utility called Uwamp. Its not as fast of an experience as going to a regular linux install but it is very simple to implement.

Next I tried for a while to configure iis to serve up OpenEMR. Finally got it to log in but noticed that is much slower of an experience than with Uwamp.

Is the Eye Form supposed to throw errors and not appear?

I have not been able to get the eye form to work in windows 10 for a while…either with Uwamp or IIS…

Any info/help would be appreciated.

Hello oldsoul,

It would be better if you share the screen shot of the Eye Form with error message ?
If it is a php error then you may need to check this in Apache error log .
Let us know if you desire any clarifications.


The screenshot is the result of trying to make a new encounter and then selecting the eye form for that encounter. This is on windows 10, with php5.something?, and IIS with fastcgi and mysql. all on the same computer.

Hi @oldsoul ,
Could avoid this by using the xampp/openemr package for windows (I am guessing your bug stems from IIS or incorrectly configured php):

Can you provide the specific PHP version you are using. Also. I agree with @brady.miller that this may be IIS related. The OPENEMR xampp package is a straightforward install and the recommended install method on Windows

php 5.6.31

I followed the recommended php settings on the wiki page before setup.

Its not a big worry though, just testing this cool software.

Thank You for the reply.