Openemr 4.1.2 installation problem starting apache and mysql services

brian-manthe wrote on Thursday, November 28, 2013:

I downloaded the 4.1.2 zip with xampp. Had 4.1.1 on before but deleted it, now I keep getting messages saying wrong path for apache and mysql. here is a screen shot of log. Hope someone can help. I did try installing in c:\openemr-4.1.2\xampp and did not work. the installed in c:/xampp with same result.
10:22:07 AM [main] Initializing Control Panel
10:22:07 AM [main] Windows Version: Windows 8 Pro 32-bit
10:22:07 AM [main] XAMPP Version: 1.8.2
10:22:07 AM [main] Control Panel Version: 3.2.1 [ Compiled: May 7th 2013 ]
10:22:07 AM [main] Running with Administrator rights - good!
10:22:07 AM [main] XAMPP Installation Directory: “c:\xampp-openemr-4.1.2\xampp”
10:22:07 AM [main] Checking for prerequisites
10:22:07 AM [main] All prerequisites found
10:22:07 AM [main] Initializing Modules
10:22:07 AM [Apache] Apache Service detected with wrong path
10:22:07 AM [Apache] Change XAMPP Apache and Control Panel settings or
10:22:07 AM [Apache] Uninstall/disable the other service manually first
10:22:07 AM [Apache] Found Path: ERROR: Could Not Get Service Config
10:22:07 AM [Apache] Expected Path: “c:\xampp-openemr-4.1.2\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe” -k runservice
10:22:07 AM [mysql] MySQL Service detected with wrong path
10:22:07 AM [mysql] Change XAMPP MySQL and Control Panel settings or
10:22:07 AM [mysql] Uninstall/disable the other service manually first
10:22:07 AM [mysql] Found Path: ERROR: Could Not Get Service Config
10:22:07 AM [mysql] Expected Path: c:\xampp-openemr-4.1.2\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=c:\xampp-openemr-4.1.2\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini mysql
10:22:07 AM [main] Starting Check-Timer
10:22:07 AM [main] Control Panel Ready


fsgl wrote on Thursday, November 28, 2013:

4.1.1 should be upgraded instead of being deleted.

See this thread.

Extract XAMPP-OpenEMR Package to C drive.

visolveemr wrote on Thursday, November 28, 2013:

From our understanding, there is mysql and apache services installed, but they are not linked to XAMPP. One possible solution would be to Stop those services and start apache and mysql in XAMPP panel.

And also a typical installation would be like C:/xampp/htdocs/openemr.

OpenEMR Customization/Support provider,
ViSolve Inc

brian-manthe wrote on Thursday, November 28, 2013:

Thanks for the reply, I went into Services and there is an instance of Apache 2.4, but when I try to start or stop it, get a message that the file cannot be found. I don’t know how to remove it from services. Also the disable is not shown.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, November 28, 2013:

Hopefully 4.1.1 XAMPP had been backed up before deletion.

Read the thread provided above.

Get rid of the new install by going to C-drive and delete the new XAMPP folder.

Start all over again with a new install of the Package, taking care to follow the instructions meticulously.

brian-manthe wrote on Thursday, November 28, 2013:

Had Aptana Studio 3 installed, but did not realize that it used Apache. Uninstalled, ran xampp control panel and all is now OK.
Thanks to those who replied and gave advise.
Nice to know there are people one can rely on to help out in a situation
Have a GREAT day all