forum tab points to

cmswest wrote on Sunday, September 15, 2013:

instead of this:

so firefox won’t show you the forum topics and ie makes you open it in a new window

fsgl wrote on Sunday, September 15, 2013:

The Forum tab worked in the past to display the most current post in each Forum.

Should not be a big deal to fix the link.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, September 15, 2013:


Looks like sourceforge no longer allows use of iframes to embed their content(this was nice, because then got to keep the OpenEMR banner and header tabs on top of the forum page). So, fixed the links to open the sourceforge forum links in a new separate window.

If anybody is curious, here is the website code changes:


fsgl wrote on Sunday, September 15, 2013:

Thanks, El Jefe.