I would like to set up Open EMR as a standalone app on Windows platform in small clinics, for which I would like to know regarding the hardware requirements.
Please assist me so we can fulfill the requirement please kindly help.
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Did you check the logs?
Was there anything pertinent in them?
Please paste them here (surround with three backticks (```) for readability.
You can also turn on User Debugging under Administration->Globals->Logging User Debugging Options=>All
Hello @AyeshaMuss
OpenEMR has fairly modest hardware requirements, compared to many other applications.
But the installation requirements will depend on the method you use, which in turn depends on the system you install, i.e., in one of the cloud hosts; using Docker; a tarball download in Linux, etc.
But it would be great if you could kindly assist providing the minimum, and optimum hardware requirement for Windows installation to be used by 100 users.
Hello @AyeshaMuss -
Your most recent respoonse is a good example of why it is nearly impossible to answer your initial question: your latest reply added the fact that this would be for 100 users. That fact means that your OpenEMR must be installed on a server of some sort that is accessible to all 100 users. This implies many more factors than can be evaluated in any succinct response to your initial inquiry.
In any attempt to install an OpenEMR system, multiple factors will reveal themselves which require evaluation and accommodation, and that requires experience and training to accomplish. System installation is either done by non- IT- Professional users who are familiar with the process, or by hired professional vendors. Or, of course, by interested amateurs who are willing to spend the time it takes to educate themselves in the process. The link above to the installation guides is a good first step in one’s self- education process.
This forum is visited by a number of such professionals, including myself, who work at at one of the most experienced of the OpenEMR support vendors. You are welcome to DM me if you’d like to discuss my company’s fees for services, or you could post an enquiry in this forum’s ‘Help Wanted’ thread asking any of the other vendors for detailed advice or professional assistance.
Best of luck - Harley
@AyeshaMuss hi there
this reply is from a non-professional fellow user of Openemr
For this number i am totally hiring a professional!! I can tell you one small mistake in the database or may be in Windows after a stupid update will get you banging your head against the wall!
The scenario i will be assuming would be a single server-side machine for which 100 users can access the database simultaneously (not counting for patients!). The OS is Windows, but i guess win 10 pro has a certain limit to multiple users at same time (legally is not allowed as well), so you will have to get a Windows server version (it’s starting to get tricky!). You also need a security solution as well as other programs necessary for work and backups.
The minimum spec you are looking at would be at least: 8 core processor (Xeon level stuff), 64GB RAM, 512GBSSD, Gigabit Ethernet and all the regular other components. Of course, scalability is out the window right now lol.
In the case of having 100 users with each one of them using his own instance by himself, then i guess it’s something else and it’s a piece of cake.