Omitting headers and footers from Invoice

mangaleshjoshi wrote on Wednesday, February 06, 2013:

When I am printing checkout invoices, I am getting ‘Receipt for Payment’ on the left side of the header and path of the file on the right side. Also, in footer, there are page numbers on the left side while date and time on right side. This information, especially the path of the file don’t look good on the invoice. Can anybody please tell how to get rid of these?
Thanks in adv.
MJ :slight_smile:

mangaleshjoshi wrote on Wednesday, February 06, 2013:

Same happens while printing reports too. Page numbers are okay, but how to get rid of the rest of the information? Where to find these?
MJ :slight_smile:

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, February 06, 2013:


This Issues because of Some Browser configurations.
In Mozilla ,Now You can set File -> Page Setup -> Margins &Header/Footer -> Header/Footer  -> In Right Column  - Clank (Change -Blank- From URL or something specified in the Right Drop down).
This applies to all the browsers.

Hope this will help you.


mangaleshjoshi wrote on Wednesday, February 06, 2013:

Hi Ranjith:
Thanks a ton for the solution. This is perfectly working.
MJ :slight_smile:

mangaleshjoshi wrote on Wednesday, February 06, 2013:

Another small query….how to change font type and font size for: 1. Checkout invoice. 2. Reports. 3. OpenEMR interface.
Thanks in advance.
MJ :slight_smile: