ptalerico wrote on Tuesday, November 17, 2015:
Yes, all my payors are on the OA list of participating payors.
The whole SFTP issue arose from an OA tech support person who stated Open-EMR customers needed additional credentials. Later that day, I received two emails:
- First email provided u/n and instructions:
You must use an SFTP client, or a Billing Software that supports SFTP.
You cannot use FTP, Internet Explorer, or other web browser to access this site.
Username : ********
Port: 22
Passive Mode Enabled
SSH/SFTP Enabled
Please make sure to COPY AND PASTE the username and password rather than typing it out.
This will help avoid any errors for mistyping.
Password will be sent in a separate email.
If you do not see the password email immediately following this email, please check your SPAM folder!
During Logon, if asked to Cache SSH. Click Yes
Submissions: Files uploaded to Office Ally MUST be placed in the “inbound” folder for processing. Any file not placed in this folder will not be picked up for processing.
Reports: All reports from Office Ally will be available in the “outbound” folder at the same timing as they are available on the website.
ERA/835: A zip file containing an ANSI formatted 835 as well as a human readable 835, will be made available in the “outbound” folder if/when ERAs are available. Note: ERA/835 normally requires pre-enrollment.
Optional ANSI formatted 999 and/or 277CA reports may be turned on by request. You may reply to this email with a request for those reports to be enabled. Note: 999s acknowledge Office Ally’s receipt of your file submission, not the payer’s receipt. 277CAs contain Office Ally’s initial responses only, not payers’ responses.
- Second email provided the p/w:
Please be sure to COPY AND PASTE the password below rather than type it out. This will help avoid any errors for mistyping.
This password is for your SFTP account ONLY, and you will input it in your billing software’s FTP section, or give it to your software vendor for them to setup the connection.
This password is NOT your Office Ally web portal password.
Password : ********
My (apparently incorrect) assumption from this was that these credentials were entered in OEMR’s X12 Partners for Office Ally, and thus would allow OEMR to send the file directly to OA without use of their website for a manual upload.