tmccormi wrote on Thursday, July 05, 2012:
Hi All -
This is a bit late notice, but the OEMR is planning on running regular, perhaps quarterly OpenEMR Meet-ups in regions around the USA and perhaps the world where ever we can get a host to sponsor one. We had one in Tampa Bay, Florida at the end of May and it was both fun and productive.
So … I am hosting one on Saturday July 21st here in Portland Oregon. The week prior to that is O’Reilly’s big Opensource Convention (OSCON) and many people from the OpenEMR community as well as the broader opensource HealthCare community will already be in town. (just hanging out in the halls at OSCON is a real inspiring activity!)
Please RSVP me at secretary @ if you are interested in attending so I will know if I need to rent a meeting space.
There is no specific agenda and the meeting is open to users, developers, admirers and just folks interested in meeting some of the people involved. We’ll decide what’s important to share and even work on code if that seems like the thing to do.
Portland, Oregon is really really nice in July …
Tony / @tonymi2 / @OEMR_org