This is the forum thread for the OEMR Board Meeting on Wednesday, October 11th, 2017.
Will post a agenda soon.
Here is the Agenda for October 11, 2017 OEMR Board Meeting:
1. Call to Order. Roll call.
2. Approval of prior meeting minutes.
August 9, 2017 Board Meeting.
September 13, 2017 Board Meeting.
3. Financial Report
Profit & Loss–10_06_2017.pdf (77.4 KB)
Balance Sheet (eguile)–10_06_2017.pdf (87.9 KB)
Profit & Loss–10_06_2017_2.pdf (78.5 KB)
4. Unfinished Business
IRS v. OEMR 501c(3)appeals phone conference Wednesday 10/18 1pm est
Appeals Office conferences are informal so that you, your representative and the Appeals officer can engage in a frank discussion of the issues in dispute. There is no sworn testimony, and no stenographer is present to record the discussions. Matters alleged as fact must be submitted in the form of an affidavit or declared to be true under penalty of perjury.
If the Appeals officer considers the issues amenable to settlement, the Appeals officer will ask you to submit an offer of settlement or the Appeals officer will propose the terms of a settlement. If you agree to settle, you’ll be asked to sign a settlement agreement form.
IRS proposed determination
Plan to ask John, our appeals officer at the IRS, if there is anything we can amend organizationally or operationally to help our reintstatement application be amenable to settlement.
VCU Hackathon .
Conference outreach.
Raising funds.
Conflict of interest policy.
Join OSI.
5. New Business
Organization restructuring.
AWS Partnership.
Call for participation in “Cloud Support” committee . Purpose of committee: Define process, plans, organization for OpenEMR Cloud support.
Sponsor Matthew Vita $1500 to travel and present at the WONCA South Asia Region Conference.
Vote for Daniel Ehrlich to Board of Directors and OEMR Member.
Vote for John Williams to Board of Directors and OEMR Member.
Nominate and vote for Matthew Vita into Officer role of Vice Chair.
Discuss plan to assign several volunteer staff positions for OEMR.
Open an account at - Matthew
6. Public and Community Concerns
7. Next Board Meeting on November 8, 2017
8. Adjourn Board Meeting
Here’s the places I’m going to sign OpenEMR up for:
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Here’s the link to the staff positions:
Here is the audio for today’s (10/11/17) Board Meeting:
updated above: call with the appeals officer, next Wed 10 am PDT
here’s the procedure for small boards (thanks @fsgl )
Hot off the press Board Meeting minutes for this meeting can be found here:
[Status: Approved at 2017-11-08 Board Meeting]
# Minutes of OEMR
A board meeting of OEMR, was held virtually, on October 11, 2017. The meeting
convened at 21:10 Eastern Daylight Time, _Stephen Waite_ presiding, and _Brady Miller_ recording minutes.
A quorum of members was present to conduct business.
## 1. Call to Order. Roll call.
1. Chawla, Jit, present
2. ~~Down, Robert~~, absent (excused)
3. Gaddis, Sherwin, present
4. Galterio, Lou, present
5. ~~Hameed, Shameem C~~, absent
6. Miller, Brady, present
7. ~~Palanisami, Sena~~, absent (excused)
8. Vasquez, Roberto, present
9. Vita, Matthew, present
10. Waite, Stephen, present
12. ~~Wakefield, Scott~~, absent
12. Daniel Ehrlich (guest), present
This file has been truncated. show original
hi, @danielehrlich was able to join the call with the appeals officer today
brief summary:
officer agreed with the proposed determination by the irs
officer believes open source and 501c3 still uncharted territory
thought 501c6 might be a better fit
once we receive his letter we will have 90 days to petition the 3 courts
please use 501c research for follow up, thanks