Odd behavior in multiple areas

rickou812 wrote on Thursday, February 16, 2012:

I have some odd behavior in multiple areas and looking for some advice.
Open emr 4.1.0 installed on a windows 2003 server.
I am unsure what the original installation started with but was about 4 years ago, probably before V3.1.0
I have at least 3 areas that is not right and not sure of related or not:
1. Pictures: We have 1 patient file a picture was uploaded to a few months ago as a test, and it is working as it should, displays on patients home page…etc…However, now, when I upload pictures, they do not display, only the “View” button and file name shows up.  And when going to “reports” the newly uploaded picture is kicking out the error about imagemagik, but the old picture show as it should ……odd?

2. CAMOS - I registered, installed DB, enabled.  It shows in the Patient Visit Forms, but there is nothing in the fields (category…etc…) Checked the actual DB tables and they are there and has information in the tables…

3. Immunization: This is a tricky one, out infection control nurse has been utilizing this area since the original install 4 years ago.  When she first started, she was using a custom immunizations list, but when it was determined to go further with the program, she changed over to using the standardized immunizations coding… However the issue now seems that the program is confused and will pull from the “Old custom list” on some patients, and the new CVX on others…confusing enough…lol

I am ready to do a fresh install using the latest and greatest, but my IT guy that has been dealing with this program since the original install is reluctant to start over due to all the work that has been put into this so far…

Thought? Recommendations??


cbezuidenhout wrote on Friday, February 17, 2012:

hi there rickou812

I can help on one issue, as this is a known bug, the patient photo issue.
if your file has an UPPERCASE extension it will not display.

to fix this is very easy, the fix has been submitted and will probably be in the next patch or release.

simply edit the file : “interface/patient_file/summary/demographics.php” at approx line 92


if ( in_array($extension,$viewable_types) ) { // extention matches list


if ( in_array(strtolower($extension),$viewable_types) ) { // extention matches list

and it should fix your problem

hope this helps, and I hope you get your other problems sorted

  - Craig
    Tajemo Enterprises

bradymiller wrote on Friday, February 17, 2012:


To help out with the third issue. To resolve the confusion; when entering in new immunizations (after the upgrade), then will use the CVX list, however to maintain compliance with previous versions of OpenEMR, the previous immunization with use the immunization list at Adminsitration->Lists->Immunizations. There are two things that can be done here:
1. Use the Administration->Lists->Immunizations gui in order to map all of your immunizations on the list with a CVX immunization; then when hit Save, it will then convert your previous immunizations to CVX entries. So, will then only use the CVS list.
2. If you’d rather only use your custom immunization list, then can instead check the Administration->Globals->Features->‘Use Custom Immunization List’ to force utilization of the list (ie. will not use the cvx codes).

For second issue, recommend looking at the php error log to see if any errors come up when using the CAMOS form.


rickou812 wrote on Friday, February 17, 2012:

Thanks Craig, got my IT guy on it llike a duck on a june bug… Although, we have another issue, he installed the latest patch bringing us from 4.1.0 (3) to 4.1.0 (7) and now when we go to “patient”> Documents > Patient Information>Patient Photograph… we are getting a “The Page Can Not Be Found” error.  It is obvious the patch/update over wrote a path, but we just have to find it and fix…lol

AND thankyou Brady,
I think we are making progress on the immunizations problem, although at this point it may require re-entering all th info on over 350 patients…:frowning:

One more stupid question, where would I find the PHP error log….


rickou812 wrote on Tuesday, February 21, 2012:

Hey Brady, on the Immunizations problem.  This is what is happening, when we first started using oemr, they was using a custom list.  Since then they decided to go to the standardized CVX list and deleted the custom list for admin>lists
So what it is doing is on the patients that had initially used the custom list, is is displaying *0* Fix This! 
My thoughts are to drop that row out of the DB table, but I can not find what table this is being pulled from…


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, February 22, 2012:


It is showing the *0* Fix This because the entry has no CVX mapping and the immunization id (from the custom list) is not mapping to anything (since you deleted the list).

The problem is you deleted the custom list, which is what was needed to map the immunizations that were entered in via that list. I suggest replacing that list with what you had previously. Note, in Admin->lists, when you then go to the custom immunization list it has a features that then allows you to map the custom list entries to cvx entries (after doing that, then I suppose you could theoretically remove the custom immunization list).


rickou812 wrote on Wednesday, February 22, 2012:

The custom list was deleted before I came along.  How can I add it back?  When I creat a new “Immunizations” list, it does not provide the mapping feature.


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, February 23, 2012:


The problem is that they may of modified the custom immunization list from the default custom list. So, to “save” your immunization data here, it is going to be very important for you to go back to a previous backup of your OpenEMR that contained the Immunization custom list from the list_options table(all entries with ‘immunizations’ for the list_id and the one entry that has ‘lists’ for the list_id and ‘immunizations’ for the option_id) and then place all these applicable items into your current list_options table. I’d suggest doing this directly in phpmyadmin to ensure done correctly. After doing this, you’ll then be able to map your custom immunization entries to CVX codes.  I’d consider this a rather critical step, and would consider getting pro support if not comfortable doing this (somebody knowledgeable could fix this really quickly if you have a backup with the old custom immunization list).


rickou812 wrote on Friday, February 24, 2012:

We have fixed the issue, although maybe not the best way, but….
anyway, since the secondary issue caused by the missing “old immunizations list” information was the placement of “0” in the CVX table.  We just changed all “0’s” to “999” this enabled the ability to select from the CVX popup on the frontend.
As patients are updated during normal visits the “999’s” will be updated also…

mark this one off the list…