
drjccaldwell wrote on Wednesday, August 06, 2014:

Many years (~8) when we first started using OpenEMR a third party guy developed a NoteWiz form that we used until we upgraded to v3+. Now we have received some requests for records but cannot access these documents. The form-notewiz is listed in a MySQL list however it is not in the Admin->Forms section. Any idea how to access these records?

sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, August 06, 2014:

This is one reason to have new features contributed back to the project. Suggest you hire a developer to look at it and do whatever’s needed, and also get it contributed (assuming the code is GPL and has value to others).


blankev wrote on Wednesday, August 06, 2014:

You have a problem! External Developer and no clue what the external Developer did whatsoever.

Is there any info on NOTEWIZ, is this extrenal program or included in OpenEMR.

OpenEMR is in version 4.1.2 patch 7 and eight years ago I suppose it was version 2.0.1 or 3.0… lot of things have happened.

Do you have a password and username with administration rights?

blungu wrote on Wednesday, August 06, 2014:

No Admin->Forms entry means not a standard form. But if the form still works to view old encounters, you screen print as record. Also compare list of tables on demo site with your tables. That where notewiz data be.

drjccaldwell wrote on Wednesday, August 06, 2014:

I do have administrative rights and have used phpMyAdmin to browse through the database. The entries are there but due to whatever form he used there are MySQL errors when I try to view them. Would love to be able to just get the information from them then I could hand copy them to an acceptable form.
And NO I cannot bring them up in OpenEMR so I cannot make a paper copy. I was hoping someone else had used this “back in the day” and could tell me what they did.
As I recall he had a whole directory set up with his own code to create these notes. Unfortunately in the past I was not as disciplined about back ups so I would be hard-pressed to find a copy of all of this. I had entertained the notion of recreating in a virtual machine on old copy of OpenEMR and just printing them but I am not sure I have a usable back up.
Might be a lost cause.

drjccaldwell wrote on Wednesday, August 06, 2014:

Rod thanks for the suggestion. I think your approach makes the most sense.
Thanks again.

blankev wrote on Wednesday, August 06, 2014:

My best guess would be to find table different from the new tables (use for this one of the Demo versions preferably some version as you use would be best.)

Or download the same version and look what tables are not in the Demo and not in your local version. If no difference, start scanning tables and make a not of what tables you have scanned for the info you are looking for.

Sometimes the Developer/Programmer uses two or three tables to store the form content. To retrieve the correct content it can be a puzzle what to connect with what.

blankev wrote on Thursday, August 07, 2014:

could it be they changed the directory name and this is your solution?

Just a link in a php file to windows and WizNote?