Not able to send emails

sergiors wrote on Wednesday, September 04, 2013:

I cannot send messages by email. Even when I create the messages in the Message screen, and the Messages show as Forwarded, nothing happens.

The SMTP server is properly configured, and other email sending programs are able to use it without problem.

When I click Administration - Patient Reminders, the following report shows up, with all actions in zero:

The patient reminders have been updated:
Total active actions: 0
Total active reminders before update: 0
Total unsent reminders before update: 0
Total active reminders after update: 0
Total unsent reminders after update: 0
Total new reminders: 0
Total updated reminders: 0
Total inactivated reminders: 0
Total unchanged reminders: 0

Any clues? Thanks in advance!

sergiors wrote on Friday, September 06, 2013:

I add that the user and patient have a working email, and the patient has authorized email reception in the Demographics - Contact - Options screens. Neither Messages or Reminders are sent…


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, September 07, 2013:


Your message above (all the 0’s) tells me that you don’t even have any reminders to email. Need to set rules to be ‘Patient Reminders’ in Administration->Alerts to turn these on.

Also, email settings are at Administration->Globals->Notifications.


sergiors wrote on Wednesday, September 11, 2013:

Thanks! It works now.