Not able to create encounter

atitshah23 wrote on Wednesday, September 03, 2014:

I have just created a new patient (no other details like medications, allergies,immunizations etc are entered. Also there is no Clinic name created). I have registered a new form for Treatment Plan and followed the instructions from, as in video I am not able to create an encounter.

I am using windows 8.1 and the openEMR project is run using XAMPP.

Can you please suggest if I am missing something or the exact steps to be followed?

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, September 03, 2014:

Hello Atit Shah,

Steps To be followed to create an Encounter:
  • First select the Patient (Menu: Patient/Client -> Patients)
  • Click the “Encounter History” select box at the top
  • Click the “New Encounter” menu and it will open the Create Encounter screen
  • In the Encounter page under the “Miscellaneous” tab menu, the registered “Treatment Plan” form will be available

Note : It would be easier if more details on the issue is provided, to find the exact Solution

OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library