robik62 wrote on Wednesday, October 14, 2015:
Need help - when entering Immunizaton record in to (emr) it records 3 times - repieds same record 3 times
robik62 wrote on Wednesday, October 14, 2015:
Need help - when entering Immunizaton record in to (emr) it records 3 times - repieds same record 3 times
fsgl wrote on Wednesday, October 14, 2015:
Provide screenshot.
robik62 wrote on Wednesday, October 14, 2015:
Today I opened admin>lists>immunization and in the bottom of the page clicked check mark and pressed save . I noticed that duplications are gone. Run report it looks good. But when I entering new immunization record it dublicate again(for new record) - have to go back to that procedure that metioned above to clear dublications. What could couse that problem?
growlingflea wrote on Thursday, October 15, 2015:
Can you please provide screenshots or describe your procedure for entering the immunizations? Step by step??
fsgl wrote on Friday, October 16, 2015:
Unable to reproduce problem in 4.1.2 Demo.
When Td saved 3 times, mapping CVX codes does not reduce 2 extra Td’s.