No edit space for portal messaging

Hello All; @sjpadgett in particular-

I don’t think this has been asked already…
I’m working on a 7.0.2-dev release and trying to send a secure message to a patient through the portal.
Got into Portal Dashboard/ Mail; in Secure Messaging clicked ‘Actoins’ then Compose New’

As you see, I can address the message and give a subj but that ‘Send’ button is all there is-- no compose text area. And I click 'Send, and it… sends the empty message to the pt’s portal

I can look in the Sent messages in the EMR, or the pt’s portal acct inbox, and the message is there, just empty.

From the portal, the ‘Compose Message’ thing does the same as in the EMR: just a ‘Send’ button, no edit text area.

Am I missing a patch, or a global setting or something?

Admin note: fix is in this message No edit space for portal messaging - #3 by sjpadgett

Fyi I added SMS from secure mail if my module is on. My testing from master/7.0.2 dev works fine.

To see entire message you need to click the message. Also there is not an edit for message but you can reply and the message you’re replying from will be include in the editor. Messages are treated as conversations where all messages associated with the original will be chained in order.
If patient has any unread messages they are automatically taken to secure mailbox on portal login.


Unsure what your issue is Harley but I haven’t seen any complaints for messaging in a long while. I may be on a different dev version than you so if you feel we need to look into further let me know and will try to duplicate what you’re seeing.
Thanks for looking after a lot of folks with portal questions(and many other categories).

Oh nuts @htuck I totally missed the issue. There is a bug where the editor will not show and I fixed for next patch. Here’s the issue, fix and PR sorry i’m an air head today!

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Hi @sjpadgett - thx for the quick fix for this, I appreciate ya!
Don’t feel too bad, you as an airhead have more on the ball than most people with a meathead… (??) :slight_smile:
Happy Holidays- HT

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