NewCrop e-prescription interface

drbowen wrote on Wednesday, June 22, 2011:

This morning the ZH Healthcare Services gave me a live demo of the NewCrop e-prescription interface that they are working on in conjunction with MI-Squared.  There are a few globals values that need to be set and the practitioner has to be given e-prescription privileges under user administration.  They were able to enter new prescriptions, edit an existing prescription, cancel a prescription, and view prescription history.  The system is accessed by clicking on the prescription module “edit” button on the patient summary screen in the bottom right hand corner.  They intend to add the insurance availability as a second phase after this first phase is complete.  This was performed on a NewCrop test instance that did not involve any live patient data.  I have asked them to let me have access to live production testing with NewCrop and am waiting to hear back.

This NewCrop e-prescription interface is being created by ZH-Healthcare Services in conjunction with MI-Squared.

Sam Bowen, MD

bzwolf wrote on Wednesday, June 22, 2011:

Dr. Bowen,

Will this interface be available as part of the open source package or as a commercial product through MI-Square/ZH-Healthcare Services.  I am a pre-med student setting up eprescriptions and EHR For my father’s practice; we just signed up for NewCrop so this is excellent news either way.

Thanks kindly.


tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, June 22, 2011:

It will be a subscription option.  That’s (sadly) the only way these things work until such a time as the OEMR foundation is as big as Allscripts and can afford to provide eRX from free as a ‘teaser’ package.
-Tony (MI2)

newprotocol wrote on Tuesday, June 28, 2011:

I am looking for an ePrescription solution too. Can we send to NewCrop from OpenEMR? Thx

ajperezcrespo wrote on Tuesday, June 28, 2011:


   Any Idea on costs?


tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, June 28, 2011:

Contact me (mi-squared) or Shameem  (ZHH) offline to discuss subscribing to our NewCrop solution

iam777 wrote on Monday, August 08, 2011:

I can help you with ePrescribing integration, I’ve got experience developing interfaces for NewCrop webservices, you can email me at

tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2011:

The interface part is done and committed to the dev tip (though improvements can always be made).   We are working on the training and setup process and will post how to subscribe to the service by next week at the latest.
MI2 + Z&H + GoldenLeaf = ZMG!
A collaborative effort….

dokellie wrote on Sunday, June 17, 2012:

I can attest to cost, the quotation I received being $4000USD.  Their interest in helping me myself and I, rather than a multiple prescriber facility, was underwhelming.

I am using Allscripts as I do not have $4k laying around, and continuing to be hopeful that backward compatibility from Allscripts to OpenEMR can be achieved.  I will be dependent upon Alscripts to record all my electonic prescriptions, as well as controlled substances (printed then signed), for I have not taken the time to back-load prescriptions into OpenEMR. 

I’m hoping the Fates will smile upon me from here on out…
Linda E. Hungerford MD

cverk wrote on Monday, June 18, 2012:

You can use the grease monkey script written by Kevin Yeh to get demographics into allscripts, and you can run simple reports from allscripts to help reenter scripts back into openemr. But you have to enter them manually. I have taken to just entering the prescription into openemr while asking the patient for details of where to send it and discussing how they can go pick it up once its sent electronically. Then I go ahead and sent it through allscripts. I have set up laptops on lecture stands in each exam room so I can work on it while facing the patient and discussing treatment etc.  There was a sort of difficult way to automate that from reports several versions ago, but it seems to have been dropped.

zhhealthcare wrote on Monday, June 18, 2012:


I am not sure where you got a quote of $4000 to connect to Newcrop.  I believe it is when you asked to be directly connected to Newcrop.  However if you go through ZMG you do not have to pay any setup fee but only the monthly subscription fee.  You may contact me directly or Tony to get you started on the eRx with Newcrop. 


dokellie wrote on Sunday, June 24, 2012:

re zhhealthcare

Your comment may be true.  My assistant looked up a variety of options, none of which I had in mind. 

I can agree that a monthly subscription may be an alternative for me.  While NILIF (nothing in life is free), I am getting nickel and dimed everywhere I turn.  Clearinghouse has been a significant monthly expense, Allscripts (which I will compare to Newcrop subscription when I get done with this), computers, printers, internet.  Costs of doing business, I suppose.

Several practices have merged due to their perceived costs of installing, using and subscribing to electronic medical records and peripheral services.  Without OpenEMR, I would have been deeply in hock, if I could have gotten a loan.

In a medically underserved region, with almost all Medicare and Medicaid, these expenses add up in a hurry.

Thanks for the clarification……
Linda E. Hungerford, M.D.