sapiens110 wrote on Monday, December 01, 2014:
Hello everyone
Up until now,I’ve been using the configured xampp package with no problem. I decided to give version 4.1.3-dev a try locally. I downloaded Xampp for windows and Installed it. I also downloaded a zip version from Github. I extracted to \hdocs folder of the Xampp. Here’s what I got. I thought it might be bug then I used the Sourceforge version which is 4.1.2. Same problem. Anyone have any idea how to solve this? The Xampp site automatically downloaded a 32bit version. Is this the cause? Any idea is appreciated.
Also, a wiki on how to install PHP,Apache and MySQL(no XAMPP) along with the configurations and security measures is lacking and in need of documentation. After I get this working, I will try it and I’m ready to contribute my findings.