New Translation Constants

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, December 22, 2016:

Added 1142 new constants on 12/21/16 to the translation spreadsheet, which are listed below. Please don’t post on this thread; instead post at:

ADDED: A/C{{anterior chamber}}
ADDED: About
ADDED: ACD{{anterior chamber depth}}
ADDED: ACOM{{Anterior Segment}}
ADDED: Active Chart
ADDED: Acuity
ADDED: Acuity with Autorefraction
ADDED: Acuity with Contact Lenses
ADDED: Acuity with correction
ADDED: Acuity with Cycloplegic Refraction
ADDED: Acuity with Manifest Refraction
ADDED: Acuity with Pinhole
ADDED: Acuity without correction
ADDED: Add More Items
ADDED: Add.{{Additional Measurements}}
ADDED: Additional Data Points
ADDED: Additional Findings
ADDED: Additonal Rx{{Additional glasses}}
ADDED: ADD{{Bifocal Add}}
ADDED: ADD{{Near Add}}
ADDED: Adnexa
ADDED: Alert
ADDED: All Dates
ADDED: Allergic to
ADDED: Allow Administrators to Delete Patients
ADDED: Allow Statement Exclusions from Printing
ADDED: Already registered
ADDED: Alternate Cover Test
ADDED: Amblyopia
ADDED: Ambulance - Air or Water
ADDED: Ambulance - Land
ADDED: Ambulatory Surgical Center
ADDED: AMD{{age related macular degeneration}}
ADDED: Amount Due
ADDED: Amplitudes
ADDED: Amsler
ADDED: Anterior Chamber Depth
ADDED: Anterior Segment
ADDED: Anterior Segment Default Values
ADDED: ant{{anterior}}
ADDED: Any carotid bruits appreciated?
ADDED: Anything else occur at the same time?
ADDED: APD{{afferent pupillary defect}}
ADDED: Appointment Category
ADDED: Appointment Display Sets - Color 1
ADDED: Appointment Display Sets - Color 2
ADDED: Appointment Display Sets - Color 3
ADDED: Appointment Display Sets - Color 4
ADDED: Appointment Display Sets - Ignore Display Limit (Last Set)
ADDED: Appointments for
ADDED: App{{Applanation abbreviation}}
ADDED: AP{{applanation}}
ADDED: Archive Log Files
ADDED: Archive old files
ADDED: are off
ADDED: are on
ADDED: ARNear{{Auto-refraction near acuity}}
ADDED: ARNear{{autorefraction near}}
ADDED: Arrived
ADDED: Arrived late
ADDED: AR{{Autorefraction Acuity}}
ADDED: AR{{autorefraction}}
ADDED: Assign it to this one?
ADDED: Assisted Living Facility
ADDED: Associate
ADDED: Associated
ADDED: Atropine 1%
ADDED: Audit log tampering evident at entry number
ADDED: Audit Log Validated Successfully
ADDED: Audit Log Validation Failed
ADDED: Auto Refraction
ADDED: Automatic from sale
ADDED: Auto{{autorefraction}}
ADDED: Axial Length
ADDED: Axis{{Axis of a glasses prescription}}
ADDED: AXIS{{Axis of a glasses prescription}}
ADDED: AxLength{{axial Length}}
ADDED: Balance Payment
ADDED: Balanced
ADDED: BAT{{Brightness Acuity Testing}}
ADDED: BC{{Base Curve}}
ADDED: bg{{image canvas label}}
ADDED: Bifocal
ADDED: Bifocals
ADDED: Billing queue results
ADDED: Binocular Pupillary Diameter - Distance
ADDED: Binocular Pupillary Diameter - Near
ADDED: Birth Certificate
ADDED: Birthing Center
ADDED: Blank
ADDED: Blindness
ADDED: BOX 10 D. EPSDT Referral Code
ADDED: BOX 14. Is Populated from the Encounter Screen as the Onset Date
ADDED: BOX 16. Date unable to work from
ADDED: BOX 16. Date unable to work to
ADDED: BOX 17. Provider
ADDED: BOX 17. Provider Qualifier
ADDED: BOX 18. Hospitalization date from
ADDED: BOX 18. Hospitalization date to
ADDED: BPD-D{{abbreviation for Binocular Pupillary Diameter - Distance}}
ADDED: BPD-N{{abbreviation for Binocular Pupillary Diameter - Near}}
ADDED: Brand
ADDED: Brightness Acuity Testing
ADDED: Brother
ADDED: Build Your Plan
ADDED: by{{made by/manufacturer}}
ADDED: B{{both sides}}
ADDED: Caffeine
ADDED: calendar_external to events
ADDED: Canceled < 24h
ADDED: Cardiac
ADDED: Care giver
ADDED: Carotid Bruit
ADDED: Carotid{{carotid arteries}}
ADDED: CAR{{carotid arteries}}
ADDED: Cataract
ADDED: cc Distance{{with correction at distance}}
ADDED: cc Near{{with correction at Near}}
ADDED: ccDist{{ACT with Correction Distance}}
ADDED: ccDist{{with correction distance}}
ADDED: ccNear{{ACT with Correction Near}}
ADDED: ccNear{{with correction at near}}
ADDED: CC{{Chief Complaint}}
ADDED: cc{{with correction}}
ADDED: CC{{with correction}}
ADDED: Central Macular Thickness
ADDED: Chart pulled
ADDED: Check expiration dates.
ADDED: Checked out
ADDED: Chief Complaint 2
ADDED: Chief Complaint 3
ADDED: Choose a period or dates (YYYY-MM-DD)
ADDED: Choose CSV table
ADDED: Choose the layout (need to logout and then login to see this new setting).
ADDED: Chronic or Inactive Problems
ADDED: Chronic Problems
ADDED: Chronic/Inactive Problems
ADDED: clear
ADDED: Click for Shorthand Help.
ADDED: Click here to add new row
ADDED: Click here to edit list of available Lens Materials
ADDED: Click here to edit list of available Lens Treatment Options
ADDED: Click here to Edit the Contact Lens Brand List
ADDED: Click here to Edit the Course/Occurrence List
ADDED: Click here to Edit the Manufacter List
ADDED: Click here to Edit the Supplier List
ADDED: Click here to Edit this Doctor’s Plan options
ADDED: Click here to Edit this Doctor’s Quick Pick list
ADDED: Click here to Edit this Provider’s Exam Default values
ADDED: Click here to see observation results
ADDED: Click this to display/hide additional tests
ADDED: Click to display shorthand field names.
ADDED: Close All Current Rx Panels and make this a Preference to stay closed
ADDED: Close and make this a Preference to stay closed
ADDED: Close this panel and delete this Rx
ADDED: Close this panel and make this a Preference to stay closed
ADDED: CMT{{Central Macular Thickness}}
ADDED: CN VII{{cranial nerve seven}}
ADDED: CN V{{cranial nerve five}}
ADDED: CN5{{cranial nerve five}}
ADDED: CN7{{cranial nerve seven}}
ADDED: Co-managing/referring provider
ADDED: Coding done
ADDED: Coding Engine
ADDED: Coins
ADDED: Collaborator
ADDED: Color for even sets (except when last set is even and all member appointments are displayed and at least one subsequent scheduled appointment exists (not displayed) or not all member appointments are displayed).
ADDED: Color for odd sets (except when last set is odd and all member appointments are displayed and at least one subsequent scheduled appointment exists (not displayed) or not all member appointments are displayed).
ADDED: Color for the last set when all member appointments are displayed and at least one subsequent scheduled appointment exists (not displayed).
ADDED: Color for the last set when not all member appointments are displayed.
ADDED: Color Vision
ADDED: Communication Engine
ADDED: Community Mental Health Center
ADDED: Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
ADDED: Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility
ADDED: Conj{{Conjunctiva}}
ADDED: Contact Lens
ADDED: Contact Lens Refraction
ADDED: Contrast Acuity
ADDED: Contrast Acuity Testing
ADDED: Contrast{{Constrast Visual Acuity}}
ADDED: Convergence
ADDED: Convergence Amps
ADDED: Convert between plus and minus cylinder
ADDED: Copy these values into current visit.
ADDED: Cor Disease
ADDED: Cornea
ADDED: Could not find RxNorm Table! Please install.
ADDED: Course
ADDED: Cranial Nerve 5: Trigeminal Nerve
ADDED: Cranial Nerve 7: Facial Nerve
ADDED: CR{{Cycloplegic Refraction}}
ADDED: CSV to calendar_external table
ADDED: CTL{{Contact Lens Vision}}
ADDED: CTL{{Contact Lens}}
ADDED: Current Eye Meds
ADDED: Current Glasses
ADDED: Current RX
ADDED: Current Target
ADDED: Current user
ADDED: Currently working on making this document
ADDED: Custodial Care Facility
ADDED: Custom Billing Phone Number
ADDED: Custom Statement message
ADDED: CV{{Cardiovascular}}
ADDED: Cyclo 1%
ADDED: CycloMydril
ADDED: Cycloplegic (Wet) Refraction
ADDED: Cyl{{Cylinder}}
ADDED: CYL{{Cylinder}}
ADDED: D&V Full OU{{Ductions and Versions full both eyes}}
ADDED: Daily Report
ADDED: Daily Summary Report
ADDED: Date of appointments mm/dd/yyyy
ADDED: Date VIS Presented
ADDED: Date VIS Published
ADDED: dated
ADDED: Days Of Week
ADDED: Deactivated
ADDED: DECEASED (1 day ago)
ADDED: Deceased Date should not be greater than Today
ADDED: deep
ADDED: Default left print margin for CMS 1500
ADDED: Default Price Level
ADDED: Default provider changed
ADDED: Default top print margin for CMS 1500
ADDED: Defaults
ADDED: denies
ADDED: Denominator Exception
ADDED: Denominator Exclusion
ADDED: Dermatology
ADDED: Derm{{dermatologic}}
ADDED: DERM{{Dermatology}}
ADDED: Detailed exam
ADDED: Detailed HPI
ADDED: Deviation
ADDED: Diagnostic
ADDED: Diam{{Diameter}}
ADDED: DIAM{{Diameter}}
ADDED: Dilated with
ADDED: Dilation orders/risks reviewed
ADDED: Disease with presumed immunity
ADDED: Dispense Rx
ADDED: Dispense this Rx
ADDED: Dispense this RX
ADDED: Display Additional measurements (Ks, IOL cals, etc)
ADDED: Display Invoice Number or Patient Name in the Cash Receipt Report
ADDED: Display the Autorefraction Panel
ADDED: Display the Contact Lens Panel
ADDED: Display the Manifest Refraction panel
ADDED: Display the patient’s current glasses
ADDED: Display the recurrent appointment widget in the patient summary.
ADDED: Distance
ADDED: Dist{{distance}}
ADDED: Divergence
ADDED: Divergence Amps
ADDED: Do you really want to change Warehouse?
ADDED: document 3 and their status to reach the detailed HPI level
ADDED: Document Library
ADDED: Documentation for a Detailed HPI requires
ADDED: Does anything make it better? Worse?
ADDED: Does it occur in certain situations?
ADDED: Double click on a DX’s handle
ADDED: Drag a DX over by its handle
ADDED: Drag the arrow for each diagnosis to sort the list.
ADDED: Drug - Drug Interaction
ADDED: Drug Code
ADDED: Drug Use
ADDED: Drug-Drug
ADDED: Drug1 Name{{Drug1 Interaction}}
ADDED: Drug2 Name{{Drug2 Interaction}}
ADDED: Duplicate Rx – unchanged from current Rx{{The refraction did not change, New Rx=old Rx}}
ADDED: E(T){{intermittent esotropia}}
ADDED: e-signed
ADDED: ECL{{equivalent contact lens power at the corneal level}}
ADDED: ECOM{{external comments abbreviation}}
ADDED: eg. aching, burning, radiating pain
ADDED: electronically signed on
ADDED: Ellipse
ADDED: Emergency contact
ADDED: Emergency Room - Hospital
ADDED: Encounter Checkup Procedure
ADDED: End-Stage Renal Disease Treatment Facility
ADDED: ENDO{{Endocrine}}
ADDED: Entered By
ADDED: Equivalent contact lens power at the corneal level
ADDED: Eraser
ADDED: Error. Try again later
ADDED: Esophoria
ADDED: Esotropia
ADDED: ET{{esotropia}}
ADDED: Every 2nd
ADDED: Every 3rd
ADDED: Every 4th
ADDED: Every 5th
ADDED: Every 6th
ADDED: Every name in the address book appears here, not only physicians.
ADDED: Exam{{Physical Exam}}
ADDED: Exophoria
ADDED: Exotropia
ADDED: Extended family
ADDED: External Exam
ADDED: External Exam Default Values
ADDED: Eye Coding Fields
ADDED: Eye Coding Terms
ADDED: Eye Contact Lens Brand list
ADDED: Eye Contact Lens Manufacturer list
ADDED: Eye Contact Lens Supplier list
ADDED: Eye Dx{{eye diagnosis}}
ADDED: Eye Exam
ADDED: Eye Exam Default Values for New Providers
ADDED: Eye Lens Material
ADDED: Eye Lens Treatments
ADDED: Eye Med
ADDED: Eye Orders Defaults
ADDED: Eye QP List ANTSEG for New Providers
ADDED: Eye QP List EXT for New Providers
ADDED: Eye QP List RETINA for New Providers
ADDED: Eye Surgery
ADDED: Eyedropper
ADDED: E{{esophoria}}
ADDED: Facility ID
ADDED: Failed to generate
ADDED: Federally Qualified Health Center
ADDED: FH{{Family History}}
ADDED: Fields{{visual fields}}
ADDED: file missing
ADDED: File not found
ADDED: File on server (modification date)
ADDED: Files with empty thumbnail
ADDED: fill
ADDED: Finish
ADDED: First day in the week
ADDED: First Modern Contraception at this Clinic (with Prior Contraceptive Use)
ADDED: First Modern Contraceptive Use (Lifetime)
ADDED: First visit: No Old Records
ADDED: Flash
ADDED: Following audit log entry number is missing
ADDED: for this patient not yet assigned to any encounter.
ADDED: Form Keys
ADDED: Frame
ADDED: Friend
ADDED: From date should be less than To date
ADDED: From Period
ADDED: Fr{{Friday}}
ADDED: FTCF{{Full to count fingers}}
ADDED: FTN{{Finger Tension abbreviation}}
ADDED: FT{{finger tension}}
ADDED: Fullscreen
ADDED: Future Appointments
ADDED: General Theme (need to logout/login after change this setting)
ADDED: Generate and download CMS 1500 paper claims on Preprinted form
ADDED: Generate thumbnail
ADDED: Generate thumbnail images
ADDED: Generate Thumbnails
ADDED: Generated thumbnail(s)
ADDED: GEN{{General}}
ADDED: GI{{Gastrointestinal}}
ADDED: Glare{{Acuity under Glare conditions}}
ADDED: Glaucoma Zone
ADDED: Gonioscopy
ADDED: Gonio{{Gonioscopy abbreviation}}
ADDED: Group Home
ADDED: Guardian
ADDED: Guardian Email Address
ADDED: GU{{Genitourinary}}
ADDED: H(T){{intermittent hypertropia}}
ADDED: Handicapped dependent
ADDED: HB{{abbreviation for Horizontal Prism Base}}
ADDED: Hertel Exophthalmometry
ADDED: HERT{{Hertel exophthalmometry}}
ADDED: Hide Billing Widget
ADDED: Historical information -source unspecified
ADDED: History of Present Illness: A detailed HPI may be completed by using either four or more HPI elements OR the status of three chronic or inactive problems.
ADDED: History order
ADDED: Holidays management
ADDED: Homeless Shelter
ADDED: Horiz Base{{abbreviation for Horizontal Prism Base}}
ADDED: Horiz Prism{{abbreviation for Horizontal Prism Power}}
ADDED: Horizontal Prism Base
ADDED: Horizontal Prism Power
ADDED: Hospice
ADDED: How bad is it? 0-10, mild, mod, severe?
ADDED: How long does it last?
ADDED: How to sort a drop-lists
ADDED: How-to Build the Impression/Plan
ADDED: HPI Elements
ADDED: HP{{abbreviation for Horizontal Prism Power}}
ADDED: HTN{{hypertension}}
ADDED: HT{{hyperphoria}}
ADDED: Hyperphoria
ADDED: hypo(T){{intermittent hypotropia}}
ADDED: Hypotropia
ADDED: hypoT{{hypotropia}}
ADDED: icon
ADDED: If the csv file has been uploaded, then click on the “Import holiday events” button. NOTE that clicking on the button will remove all the existing rows in the calendar_external table
ADDED: If you have already filled the calendar_external table, then click on “Synchronize” button to have the holidays in the calendar view. NOTE that clicking on the button will remove all the existing items in the calendar view related to holidays
ADDED: If you made changes and want to re-send it, delete the original (in Communications) and try again.
ADDED: Image canvas
ADDED: Images
ADDED: Immune System
ADDED: Immunization Administered Site
ADDED: Immunization Information Source
ADDED: Immunization Observation Criteria
ADDED: Immunization Observation Results
ADDED: Immunization Ordering Provider
ADDED: Immunization Refusal Reason
ADDED: Immunization Registry Status
ADDED: Immunization Registry Status Effective Date
ADDED: Immunization Vaccine Eligibility Results
ADDED: Immuno{{immunologic}}
ADDED: IMMUNO{{Immunology/Rheumatology}}
ADDED: Import holiday events
ADDED: Import Holidays
ADDED: Impression/Plan
ADDED: Impression/Plan Builder
ADDED: IMP{{impression}}
ADDED: In exam room
ADDED: In the patient’s words
ADDED: Inactive - Lost to follow - up
ADDED: Inactive - Moved or gone elsewhere
ADDED: Inactive - Permanently inactive
ADDED: Inactive - Unspecified
ADDED: including CVF{{Confrontational Visual Fields}} and Pupils
ADDED: Independent Clinic
ADDED: Independent Laboratory
ADDED: Indian Health Service Free-standing Facility
ADDED: Indian Health Service Provider-based Facility
ADDED: Indicates if this issue is an ophthalmic-specific medication
ADDED: Information Source
ADDED: inf{{inferior}}
ADDED: Initial Patient Population
ADDED: Inpatient Hospital
ADDED: Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
ADDED: Ins/fin issue
ADDED: Insert normals
ADDED: Insert normals - 100/100
ADDED: Insert normals - 11/11
ADDED: Insufficient inventory for product
ADDED: Integers1-100
ADDED: Inter-pupillary distance
ADDED: Intermediate Care Facility/Mentally Retarded
ADDED: Intermittent Esotropia
ADDED: Intermittent Exotropia
ADDED: intermittent hyperphoria
ADDED: Intermittent hypotropia
ADDED: Intramuscular
ADDED: Intraocular Pressures
ADDED: Intraocular Pressures (mmHg) by Date
ADDED: IOP Dilated{{Dilated Intraocular Pressure}}
ADDED: is not a valid email address
ADDED: is not valid
ADDED: Issue Subtypes
ADDED: Jaeger
ADDED: Jaeger{{Near Acuity Type Jaeger}}
ADDED: K1{{Keratometry 1}}
ADDED: K2{{Keratometry 2}}
ADDED: LAC{{left anterior chamber}}
ADDED: LAD{{left adnexa}}
ADDED: Laser Interferometry
ADDED: Laser Interferometry Acuity
ADDED: lat{{lateral}}
ADDED: Layout (need to logout/login after change this setting)
ADDED: LBF_Validations
ADDED: LB{{left brow}}
ADDED: LCMT{{left Central Macular Thickness}}
ADDED: LCUP{{left cup}}
ADDED: LC{{left conjunctiva}}
ADDED: LD{{left disc}}
ADDED: Left Arm
ADDED: Left Deltoid
ADDED: Left Gluteus Medius
ADDED: Left Lens
ADDED: Left Lower Forearm
ADDED: Left Thigh
ADDED: Left Vastus Lateralis
ADDED: Left w/o visit
ADDED: Lens Material
ADDED: Lens Material Options
ADDED: Lens Thickness
ADDED: Lens Treatments
ADDED: Lev Fn{{levator function}}
ADDED: Levator Function
ADDED: LF{{levator function}}
ADDED: LH{{left hertel measurement}}
ADDED: Library
ADDED: Life partner
ADDED: Limited Exam
ADDED: Limited HPI
ADDED: List of previous refractions
ADDED: List of previously dispensed Spectacle and Contact Lens Rxs
ADDED: LI{{Laser Interferometry Acuity}}
ADDED: LI{{Laser Interferometry}}
ADDED: LK{{left cornea}}
ADDED: LLL{{left lower eyelid}}
ADDED: LL{{left iris}}
ADDED: LL{{left lens}}
ADDED: LMAC{{left macula}}
ADDED: LMC{{left medial chathus}}
ADDED: Lower Lids
ADDED: LP{{left peripheral retina}}
ADDED: LT{{lens thickness}}
ADDED: LUL{{left upper eyelid}}
ADDED: LV{{left vessels}}
ADDED: L{{left side}}
ADDED: L{{left}}
ADDED: Macula
ADDED: Manager
ADDED: Mandatory or specified fields only, use patient validation Zend module
ADDED: Manifest (Dry) Refraction
ADDED: Manually retrieve description on Fee Sheet
ADDED: Manually type into the New DX box above.
ADDED: Marginal Reflex Distance
ADDED: Marital
ADDED: Mass Immunization Center
ADDED: MaternalCousin
ADDED: max
ADDED: max file count reached
ADDED: Maximum size of thumbnail file
ADDED: Medial Canthi
ADDED: med{{medial}}
ADDED: Mental Status
ADDED: Method Change at this Clinic
ADDED: mid
ADDED: Mid{{Middle Distance Add}}
ADDED: Mid{{middle Rx strength}}
ADDED: Mid{{Middle segment in a trifocal glasses prescription}}
ADDED: mid{{middle}}
ADDED: Military Treatment Facility
ADDED: Missing Title
ADDED: mm{{millimeters}}
ADDED: Mobile Unit
ADDED: Modern/images
ADDED: Modifier 22: Increased Procedural Services: When the work required to provide a service is substantially greater than typically required, it may be identified by adding modifier 22 to the usual procedure code.
ADDED: Modifier 24: Unrelated Evaluation and Management Service by the Same Physician During a Postoperative Period
ADDED: Modifier 25: Significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management (E/M) service by the same physician on the day of a procedure or other service
ADDED: Modifier 57: Indicates an Evaluation and Management (E/M) service resulted in the initial decision to perform surgery either the day before a major surgery (90 day global) or the day of a major surgery.
ADDED: Modify Patient Form
ADDED: Modifying
ADDED: Monocular Pupillary Diameter - Distance
ADDED: Monocular Pupillary Diameter - Near
ADDED: Mood/Affect Nml{{Mood and affect normal}}
ADDED: Motility
ADDED: Mo{{Monday}}
ADDED: MPD-D{{abbreviation for Monocular Pupillary Diameter - Distance}}
ADDED: MPD-N{{abbreviation for Monocular Pupillary Diameter - Near}}
ADDED: MRD{{marginal reflex distance}}
ADDED: MRNear{{Manifest Near Acuity}}
ADDED: MRNear{{manifest refraction near}}
ADDED: MR{{Manifest Refraction}}
ADDED: Multi-select desired DX(s) and click the
ADDED: Musculo{{musculoskeletal}}
ADDED: Must choose at least one day!
ADDED: My Default Values
ADDED: My Term
ADDED: N/A{{not applicable}}
ADDED: Name of the Surgeon
ADDED: Names
ADDED: nasal
ADDED: Natural child
ADDED: NCOM{{Neuro comments}}
ADDED: Near Acuity AutoRefraction
ADDED: Near Acuity Manifest Refraction
ADDED: Near Acuity with Autorefraction
ADDED: Near Acuity with Correction
ADDED: Near Acuity with Manifest (Dry) refraction
ADDED: Near Acuity without Correction
ADDED: Near Point of Accomodation
ADDED: Near Point of Convergence
ADDED: Need more than one drug.
ADDED: Neg{{negative}}
ADDED: Neo 10%
ADDED: Neo 2.5%
ADDED: Neuro
ADDED: Neuro-physiology
ADDED: Neuro/Phys Exam Default Values
ADDED: Neurology
ADDED: Neuro{{neurologic}}
ADDED: NEURO{{Neurology}}
ADDED: New Dx{{new diagnosis}}
ADDED: New form validation
ADDED: New Immunization Record
ADDED: New Patients
ADDED: Next of Kin Relationship
ADDED: Next Visit
ADDED: Next Visit Orders
ADDED: NKDA{{No known drug allergies}}
ADDED: No archive files present
ADDED: No Archives
ADDED: no diagnosis was auto-generated from the clinical findings.
ADDED: No Documents
ADDED: No encounter…
ADDED: No interactions found
ADDED: No logs older than 7 days
ADDED: No reminder/recall
ADDED: No show
ADDED: No Thanks
ADDED: Non-residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility
ADDED: None documented
ADDED: Not documented
ADDED: Not VFC eligible
ADDED: NOTE: Only the XML formats and Eligible Professionals valuesets supported
ADDED: NOTE: The import can take up to several hours
ADDED: NPA{{near point of accomodation}}
ADDED: NPC{{near point of convergence}}
ADDED: Number of Appointments on Statement
ADDED: Nursing Facility
ADDED: Observation Criteria
ADDED: Observation Criteria Value
ADDED: Observation Results
ADDED: Observation Results in Immunization
ADDED: OD{{right eye}}
ADDED: Off Campus-Outpatient Hospital
ADDED: Office
ADDED: Older than
ADDED: On this date there is a holiday, use it anyway?
ADDED: Once completed, view and store this encounter as a PDF file
ADDED: Only entries with a Code are billable
ADDED: Only recall to provider, no reminder
ADDED: Only reminder to provider, no recall
ADDED: Onset
ADDED: Open Encounter
ADDED: Open Fee Sheet
ADDED: Open the Quick Pick panels
ADDED: Open the Shorthand Window and display Shorthand Codes
ADDED: Open/Close the Anterior Segment drawing panel
ADDED: Open/Close the Anterior Segment Exam Quick Picks panel
ADDED: Open/Close the detailed HPI panel
ADDED: Open/Close the External drawing panel
ADDED: Open/Close the External Exam Quick Picks panel
ADDED: Open/Close the HPI Canvas
ADDED: Open/Close the Imp/Plan drawing panel
ADDED: Open/Close the Impression/Plan Builder panel
ADDED: Open/Close the Neuro drawing panel
ADDED: Open/Close the Neuro Exam Quick Picks panel
ADDED: Open/Close the PMH draw panel
ADDED: Open/Close the PMSFH summary panel
ADDED: Open/Close the Retina drawing panel
ADDED: Open/Close the Retinal Exam Quick Picks panel
ADDED: Open/Close the Shorthand Window and display Shorthand Codes
ADDED: OpenEMR Product Registration
ADDED: Opens in Bottom frame
ADDED: Opens in Top frame
ADDED: Operation Failed
ADDED: Optic Discs
ADDED: Optic Nerve Analysis
ADDED: Optional end date mm/dd/yyyy
ADDED: or utilize the Impression/Plan Builder
ADDED: Orders
ADDED: Oriented TPP{{oriented to person and place}}
ADDED: Original file
ADDED: Ortho
ADDED: Orthophoric
ADDED: ORTHO{{Orthopedics}}
ADDED: Ortho{{orthophoric}}
ADDED: OR{{as in AND/OR, ie. not an abbreviation}}
ADDED: OS{{left eye}}
ADDED: Other adult
ADDED: Other Documents
ADDED: Other Place of Service
ADDED: Other Provider
ADDED: Other Registry
ADDED: Outpatient Hospital
ADDED: OU{{both eyes}}
ADDED: Override (if necessary) the appointment display limit to allow all appointments to be displayed for the last set
ADDED: Pachymetry
ADDED: Pachymetry: Central Corneal Thickness
ADDED: Pachy{{Pachymetry}}
ADDED: Page Validation
ADDED: PAM{{Potential Acuity Meter}}
ADDED: Parent Recall
ADDED: Parent Written Record
ADDED: Parental decision
ADDED: Past Appointments
ADDED: Past Date
ADDED: Past Medical History
ADDED: Past Ocular History
ADDED: Past Ocular Surgery
ADDED: Past Surgical History
ADDED: Past Year
ADDED: Patient decision
ADDED: Patient Finder Screen
ADDED: Patient Reports
ADDED: Patient statements can be generated as plain text or with a modern graphical appearance.
ADDED: Patient validation
ADDED: PD-D{{abbreviation for Binocular Pupillary Diameter - Distance}}
ADDED: PD-N{{abbreviation for Binocular Pupillary Diameter - Near}}
ADDED: PD{{Inter-pupillary distance}}
ADDED: PD{{pupillary distance}}
ADDED: Pencil
ADDED: pend
ADDED: performed
ADDED: Periph
ADDED: Periph{{peripheral retina}}
ADDED: Periph{{periphery}}
ADDED: Phone number for billing inquiries
ADDED: Phone Number for Vendor Support that Appears on the About Page.
ADDED: PH{{pinhole acuity}}
ADDED: PH{{Pinhole Vision}}
ADDED: PH{{Pinhole}}
ADDED: Pick a general theme (need to logout/login after change this setting).
ADDED: Pinhole Vision
ADDED: Place of Employment-Worksite
ADDED: Place the downloaded VALUESET database zip file into the following directory
ADDED: Please call if any of the above information is incorrect.
ADDED: Please consider sending in a donation to
ADDED: Please provide a valid email address
ADDED: Please return this bottom part with your payment
ADDED: Please select From date
ADDED: Please select image procedure
ADDED: Please select To date
ADDED: PMH{{Past Medical History}}
ADDED: PMSFH{{Abbreviation for Past medical Surgical Family and Social History}}
ADDED: POH{{Past Ocular History}}
ADDED: Polygon
ADDED: Populate Fee Sheet
ADDED: Position of Gaze
ADDED: Posterior Segment
ADDED: Posting
ADDED: post{{posterior}}
ADDED: POS{{Past Ocular Surgery}}
ADDED: Potential Acuity
ADDED: Potential Acuity Meter
ADDED: Prescription successfully removed.
ADDED: Press this icon to build your Impression/Plan.
ADDED: Preview file
ADDED: Price changed
ADDED: Price level changed
ADDED: Print Custom Message
ADDED: Print Report
ADDED: Prints the CMS 1500 on the Preprinted form
ADDED: Prior Exam
ADDED: Prior Eye Meds
ADDED: Prior Visits
ADDED: Prism
ADDED: Prism Diopters
ADDED: Prison Correctional Facility
ADDED: Process New Files
ADDED: Product added
ADDED: Product deleted
ADDED: Prog.{{Progressive lenses}}
ADDED: Progressive
ADDED: Protection Indicator
ADDED: Protection Indicator Effective Date
ADDED: Provider Qualifier Code
ADDED: Provider/Warehouse
ADDED: Psych
ADDED: Psychiatric Facility-Partial Hospitalization
ADDED: Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center
ADDED: Psych{{psychiatric}}
ADDED: PSYCH{{Psychiatry}}
ADDED: Public Agency
ADDED: Public Health Clinic
ADDED: Publicity Code
ADDED: Publicity Code Effective Date
ADDED: puff
ADDED: PULM{{Pulmonary}}
ADDED: Pupils
ADDED: Pyschiatry
ADDED: Quantity changed
ADDED: Quick Picks
ADDED: R/LG{{right/left gonioscopy}}
ADDED: R/LPACH{{right/left pachymetry}}
ADDED: R/LSCH1{{right/left Schirmers I (w/o anesthesia)}}
ADDED: R/LSCH2{{right/left Schirmers II (w/ anesthesia)}}
ADDED: R/LTBUT{{right/left Tear Break Up Time}}
ADDED: RAC{{right anterior chamber}}
ADDED: RAD{{right adnexa}}
ADDED: RB{{right brow}}
ADDED: RCMT{{right Central Macular Thickness}}
ADDED: RCOM{{right comments}}
ADDED: RCUP{{right cup}}
ADDED: RC{{right conjunctiva}}
ADDED: RD{{retinal detachment}}
ADDED: RD{{right disc}}
ADDED: Re-Open Visit
ADDED: Re-opening this visit will cause a void. Payment information will need to be re-entered. Do you want to proceed?
ADDED: Reactivate
ADDED: react{{reactivity}}
ADDED: Reason/Plan
ADDED: Recall only - any method
ADDED: Recall only - no calls
ADDED: Recall to provider
ADDED: Record Request
ADDED: Rectangle
ADDED: Recurrence
ADDED: Recurrent Appointment Display Widget
ADDED: Recurrent Appointments
ADDED: Red Desaturation
ADDED: Red Desat{{red desaturation}}
ADDED: Referring provider
ADDED: Refraction Comments
ADDED: Refraction Method
ADDED: Refractive States
ADDED: Register your installation with OEMR to receive important notifications, such as security fixes and new release announcements.
ADDED: Registered email
ADDED: Registered id
ADDED: Religious exemption
ADDED: reload names below
ADDED: Reminder done
ADDED: Reminder only - any method
ADDED: Reminder only - no calls
ADDED: Reminder to provider
ADDED: Reminder/recall - any method
ADDED: Reminder/recall - no calls
ADDED: Reminder/recall - to provider
ADDED: Remove this Prescription from the list of RXs dispensed
ADDED: Report of visit
ADDED: Report was faxed. Click to view.
ADDED: Report?
ADDED: Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility
ADDED: Response
ADDED: Restore
ADDED: Restore Archive
ADDED: Retina
ADDED: Retina Default Values
ADDED: Return to this page and you will be able to complete the Valueset installation process by clicking on the VALUESET section header
ADDED: Revert
ADDED: Review of System
ADDED: RH{{right hertel measurement}}
ADDED: Right Arm
ADDED: Right Deltoid
ADDED: Right Gluteus Medius
ADDED: Right Lens
ADDED: Right Lower Forearm
ADDED: Right Thigh
ADDED: Right Vastus Lateralis
ADDED: RI{{right iris}}
ADDED: RK{{right cornea}}
ADDED: RLL{{right lower eyelid}}
ADDED: RL{{right lens}}
ADDED: RMAC{{right macula}}
ADDED: RMC{{right medial canthus}}
ADDED: ROS{{Review of Systems}}
ADDED: Round and Reactive
ADDED: RP{{right peripheral retina}}
ADDED: RUL{{right upper eyelid}}
ADDED: Rural Health Clinic
ADDED: RV{{right vessels}}
ADDED: Rx Details
ADDED: Rx Dispensed History
ADDED: Rx History
ADDED: Rx NLM Drug-Drug
ADDED: Rx Type
ADDED: Rx Type{{Type of glasses prescription}}
ADDED: Rx/Distance
ADDED: R{{right side}}
ADDED: R{{right}}
ADDED: Save and Checkout
ADDED: Save codes history
ADDED: Save Report as PDF
ADDED: Sa{{Saturday}}
ADDED: sc Distance{{without correction distance}}
ADDED: sc Near{{without correction near}}
ADDED: scDist{{ACT without Correction Distance}}
ADDED: scDist{{without correction distance}}
ADDED: Schirmer I
ADDED: Schirmer II
ADDED: Schirmers I
ADDED: Schirmers I (w/o anesthesia)
ADDED: Schirmers II
ADDED: Schirmers II (w/ anesthesia)
ADDED: School
ADDED: School Record
ADDED: Sclera
ADDED: scNear{{ACT without Correction Near}}
ADDED: scNear{{without correction near}}
ADDED: SC{{Acuity without correction}}
ADDED: sc{{without correction}}
ADDED: SC{{without correction}}
ADDED: Search Appointment
ADDED: Seatbelt
ADDED: Select a validation rule
ADDED: Select Image Procedure
ADDED: Select the diagnoses to include in the Impression/Plan.
ADDED: Selected Files
ADDED: Selected files and data will be removed from folders and tables
ADDED: Server error: try again later
ADDED: Service added
ADDED: Service deleted
ADDED: Service is not compatible with the sex of this client.
ADDED: Service provider changed
ADDED: Set POS code in encounter
ADDED: Shorthand
ADDED: Shorthand Help
ADDED: Show Aging on Custom Statement
ADDED: Show Extra Logo on Login
ADDED: Show IOP by Date
ADDED: Show IOP by Time
ADDED: Show Mini Logo 1
ADDED: Show Mini Logo 2
ADDED: Show Patient Encounter Number in Patient Flow Board
ADDED: Show Patient ID in Patient Flow Board
ADDED: Show Receipt
ADDED: Show Title on Login
ADDED: Show Visit Reason in Patient Flow Board
ADDED: Sister
ADDED: size
ADDED: Skilled Nursing Facility
ADDED: Slab Off
ADDED: Sleep
ADDED: Sliding
ADDED: Soc Hx{{Social History}}
ADDED: Social
ADDED: Sorry, there was a problem!
ADDED: Sort by Category
ADDED: Sph{{Sphere}}
ADDED: SPH{{Sphere}}
ADDED: Standard check
ADDED: Start date
ADDED: Statement Appearance
ADDED: Stepchild
ADDED: Steps to install the VALUSET database
ADDED: Stereopsis
ADDED: Strabismus
ADDED: stroke
ADDED: Submitted
ADDED: Substance Refusal Reason
ADDED: Successfully Completed
ADDED: Suffix
ADDED: Suggestions for the Imp/Plan are built from the Exam, the Past Ocular History (POH and POS) and the Past Medical History (PMH)
ADDED: Summary of Acuities for this patient
ADDED: Summary Of Care Provided?
ADDED: Summary of Care Provided?
ADDED: Supplier
ADDED: Support Phone Number
ADDED: sup{{superior}}
ADDED: Surgeon
ADDED: Su{{Sunday}}
ADDED: s{{suffix to make Document plural, ie. Documents}}
ADDED: Tabs Layout Theme (need to logout/login after change this setting)
ADDED: Tag to Image Procedure
ADDED: Taskman: Documents in openEMR
ADDED: TA{{temporal arteries}}
ADDED: TBUT{{tear breakup time}}
ADDED: Tear Break Up Time
ADDED: Temp. Art.{{temporal arteries}}
ADDED: Template selector changed
ADDED: Temporal Art.{{Temporal Artery}}
ADDED: Temporal Arteries
ADDED: Temporary Lodging
ADDED: temp{{temporal}}
ADDED: Tension
ADDED: Tests Performed
ADDED: Text for Custom statement message.
ADDED: The Tab key creates each entry.
ADDED: The first step is to download the VALUESET release. Access to VALUESET is provided by NLM. Only valueset for Eligible Professionals need to be downloaded and it should be downloaded in XML format from Sorted By CMS ID column. For more details see the below link
ADDED: The Number of Future Appointments to Display on the Statement.
ADDED: The Past Ocular History (POH) and Past Medical History (PMH) are negative.
ADDED: the status of three chronic/inactive problems
ADDED: Theme of the tabs layout (need to logout and then login to see this new setting).
ADDED: Therapy
ADDED: There are no Glasses or Contact Lens Presciptions on file for this patient
ADDED: There are no record(s) found.
ADDED: There is a lab order
ADDED: This encounter has been billed. To make changes, re-open it or select Add More Items.
ADDED: This fax has already been sent.
ADDED: This feature will allow the default POS facility code to be overriden from the encounter.
ADDED: This is the default left print margin for CMS 1500. It will adjust the final printed output left or right.
ADDED: This is the default top print margin for CMS 1500. It will adjust the final printed output up or down.
ADDED: This will allow printing of a custom Message on the statements.
ADDED: This will clear the data from all Anterior Segment Exam fields
ADDED: This will clear the data from all External Exam fields
ADDED: This will clear the data from all Retina Exam fields
ADDED: This will enable the Ability to Exclude Selected Patient Statements from Printing.
ADDED: This will hide the Billing Widget in the Patient Summary screen
ADDED: This will Show Aging on the custom Statement.
ADDED: Thrills
ADDED: Thumbnail size
ADDED: Th{{Thursday}}
ADDED: Timing
ADDED: To resend, delete the file from Communications and try again.
ADDED: Toggle navigation
ADDED: Toggle the Patient Panel
ADDED: Toggle the right-sided PMSFH panel
ADDED: Tooltips
ADDED: Total Co-Pay
ADDED: Total Minimum Amount of Statement to Allow Printing
ADDED: Total Minimum Dollar Amount of Statement to Allow Printing.(only applicable if Allow Statement Exclusions from Printing is enabled)
ADDED: Total patients
ADDED: Total size
ADDED: Tpn{{Tonopen abbreviation}}
ADDED: TP{{tonopen}}
ADDED: Trainer
ADDED: Tribal 638 Free-standing Facility
ADDED: Tribal 638 Provider-based Facility
ADDED: Trifocal
ADDED: Trifocals
ADDED: Tropic 2.5%
ADDED: Turn the Tooltips on/off
ADDED: Tu{{Tuesday}}
ADDED: T{{one letter abbreviation for Tension/Pressure}}
ADDED: Update the chart to activate the Builder.
ADDED: Update the chart to build this list
ADDED: Updated fields will be purple.
ADDED: Upload / Save
ADDED: Upload Item
ADDED: Upper Lids
ADDED: Urgent Care Facility
ADDED: Use CPOE for medication orders.
ADDED: Use CPOE for medication orders.(Alternative)
ADDED: Vaccine funding program eligibility category
ADDED: Vaccine Type
ADDED: Validate Log
ADDED: Validation mechanism for when modifying patient demographics.
ADDED: Validation rule
ADDED: Variation in red color discrimination between the eyes (eg. OD=100, OS=75)
ADDED: Variation in white (muscle) light brightness discrimination between the eyes (eg. OD=$1.00, OS=$0.75)
ADDED: Va{{Visual Acuities}}
ADDED: VB{{abbreviation for Vertical Prism Base}}
ADDED: VD{{abbreviation for Vertex Distance}}
ADDED: Version Number
ADDED: Vert Base{{abbreviation for Vertical Prism Base}}
ADDED: Vert Distance{{abbreviation for Vertex Distance}}
ADDED: Vert Fissure{{vertical fissure height}}
ADDED: Vert Fissure{{vertical fissure}}
ADDED: Vert Fusional Amps
ADDED: Vert Prism{{abbreviation for Vertical Prism Power}}
ADDED: Vertex Distance
ADDED: Vertical Fissure: central height between lid margins
ADDED: Vertical Fusional
ADDED: Vertical Menu Style
ADDED: Vertical Prism Base
ADDED: Vertical Prism Power
ADDED: Vessels
ADDED: VFC eligible- American Indian/Alaskan Native
ADDED: VFC eligible- Uninsured
ADDED: VFC eligible-Federally Qualified Health Center Patient (under-insured)
ADDED: VFC eligible-Medicaid/Medicaid Managed Care
ADDED: VF{{vertical fissure}}
ADDED: via{{shipped by/supplier}}
ADDED: View EDI x12 file
ADDED: View Messages
ADDED: View Past Encounter
ADDED: View Past Encounters
ADDED: View the Summary Report sent to Fax Server.
ADDED: Vision
ADDED: Visited Patients
ADDED: Visual Acuities
ADDED: Visual Acuity
ADDED: Visual Fields
ADDED: Void Checkout and Re-Open
ADDED: VP{{abbreviation for Vertical Prism Power}}
ADDED: V{{One letter abbrevation for Vision}}
ADDED: W Rx{{Acuity with correction}}
ADDED: W2W{{white-to-white}}
ADDED: Walk-in Retail Health Clinic
ADDED: Ward of court
ADDED: Warehouse changed
ADDED: Warning: Contraception for a patient under 10 or over 50.
ADDED: Warning: Contraceptive method is not compatible with a male patient.
ADDED: Warning: There is no product matching the contraceptive service.
ADDED: Warning: There is no service matching the contraceptive product.
ADDED: We appreciate prompt payment of balances due.
ADDED: We{{Wednesday}}
ADDED: What kind of sorting will be in the drop lists.
ADDED: When and how often?
ADDED: When Checked, Patient Encounter Number Will Show in Patient Flow Board.
ADDED: When Checked, Patient ID Will Show in Patient Flow Board.
ADDED: When Checked, Visit Reason Will Show in Patient Flow Board.
ADDED: Where on your body does it occur?
ADDED: which days are your weekend days?
ADDED: White-to-white
ADDED: will have the following validation rules
ADDED: W{{Current Rx - wearing}}
ADDED: X(T){{intermittent exophoria}}
ADDED: X12 only ICN resubmission No.
ADDED: x12 Segments
ADDED: XT{{exotropia}}
ADDED: X{{exophoria}}
ADDED: You are using patient validation module
ADDED: You have not entered any clinical services or products. Click Cancel to add them. Or click OK if you want to save as-is.
ADDED: You have unsaved changes.
ADDED: You have unsaved changes. Abandon them?
ADDED: Your first day of the week.
ADDED: Your installation of OpenEMR has been registered
ADDED: Your weekend days
ADDED: yyyy-mm-dd End Date
ADDED: yyyy-mm-dd Start Date
ADDED: Zend Module check in addition to standard check
ADDED: Zoom in
ADDED: Zoom out
ADDED: 1mm
ADDED: 2mm
ADDED: 3mm
ADDED: 4mm
ADDED: 5mm
ADDED: > 3 HPI elements