New Translation Constants

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, September 11, 2011:

Pasted list of the new translation constants below. Please do not post message in this thread; use the following forum thread instead:

ADDED: Account Name
ADDED: Active Alerts/Reminders
ADDED: Add Buttons
ADDED: Add Buttons for Special Chars,Texts to be Displayed on Top of the Editor for inclusion to the text on a Click
ADDED: Add Context
ADDED: Add Custom Button
ADDED: Add Rehab
ADDED: Add/Edit eRx
ADDED: Alert Count
ADDED: Allergy import successfully completed
ADDED: Allow Patient Portal
ADDED: already exists
ADDED: Available categories
ADDED: Categories for
ADDED: Category name is empty
ADDED: Causes Receipts to Print Encounter/Primary Provider Info
ADDED: Click here to add new injury change status and edit daily activity
ADDED: Click to add new components
ADDED: Click to add new consultation
ADDED: Clinical Rule Action Item
ADDED: Components
ADDED: Contact ZMG, LLC ( for subscribing the eRx service
ADDED: Context
ADDED: Context name can’t be empty
ADDED: Creator
ADDED: Current Medications
ADDED: Date Deceased
ADDED: Date Of Birth
ADDED: Delete Category
ADDED: Deleted Successfully.
ADDED: Display Name
ADDED: Displaying the following number of most recent notes
ADDED: Do you want to continue?
ADDED: Do you want to delete this?
ADDED: Do you want to delete?
ADDED: e-Rx Renewal
ADDED: Enable Clinical Reminder Popup
ADDED: Enable NewCrop eRx Service
ADDED: Enable Offsite Patient Portal
ADDED: Enable Offsite Patient Portal.
ADDED: Enable ZMG, LLC eRx service
ADDED: Enter Key
ADDED: eRx Account Status
ADDED: ERX Password
ADDED: Facility City
ADDED: Facility Country code
ADDED: Facility Fax
ADDED: Facility Phone
ADDED: Facility State
ADDED: Facility Street
ADDED: Facility Zip
ADDED: Fax Count
ADDED: If person is deceased, then enter date of death.
ADDED: If you change e-RX Role for ePrescription, it may affect the ePrescription workflow. If you face any difficulty, contact your ePrescription vendor.
ADDED: Inbox
ADDED: Invalid character in
ADDED: Invalid length for
ADDED: Invalid non-numeric character in
ADDED: Invoice Number
ADDED: LicensedPrescriber Last name
ADDED: LicensedPrescriber NPI
ADDED: LicensedPrescriber UPIN
ADDED: Midlevel Prescriber DEA
ADDED: Midlevel Prescriber First name
ADDED: Midlevel Prescriber Last name
ADDED: Midlevel Prescriber Prefix
ADDED: Midlevel Prescriber UPIN
ADDED: missing
ADDED: Nation Notes
ADDED: Nation Notes Configure
ADDED: NationNotes
ADDED: New Crop
ADDED: New Paragraph
ADDED: NewCrop Account Status
ADDED: NewCrop Admin
ADDED: NewCrop call failed
ADDED: NewCrop Doctor
ADDED: NewCrop eRx Name
ADDED: NewCrop eRx Partner Name
ADDED: NewCrop eRx Password
ADDED: NewCrop eRX Role
ADDED: NewCrop eRx Role
ADDED: NewCrop eRx Site Address
ADDED: NewCrop eRx Web Service Address
ADDED: NewCrop Manager
ADDED: NewCrop MedEntry
ADDED: NewCrop Midlevel Prescriber
ADDED: NewCrop Nurse
ADDED: NewCrop Supervising Doctor
ADDED: No items under selected category
ADDED: Nothing to import for Allergy
ADDED: Nothing to import for Prescription
ADDED: Offsite Https link for the Patient Portal.
ADDED: Offsite Patient Portal Password
ADDED: Offsite Patient Portal Password(Put Blank If not Registered).
ADDED: Offsite Patient Portal Site Address
ADDED: Offsite Patient Portal Username
ADDED: Offsite Patient Portal Username(Put Blank If not Registered).
ADDED: Once the Primary Business Facility is set, it should not be changed. Changing the facility will affect the working in NewCrop ePrescription.
ADDED: Partner Name
ADDED: Patient City
ADDED: Patient Country
ADDED: Patient Details
ADDED: Patient DOB
ADDED: Patient First name
ADDED: Patient Gender
ADDED: Patient Home phone
ADDED: Patient Last name
ADDED: Patient State
ADDED: Patient Zip
ADDED: Pending Rx Count
ADDED: Personalize
ADDED: Pharm Com Count
ADDED: PHP CURL module should be enabled in your server.
ADDED: Please select a Primary Business Entity facility with ‘Tax ID’ as your facility Tax ID. If you are an individual practitioner, use your tax id. This is used for identifying you in the NewCrop system.
ADDED: Portal Activity
ADDED: Prescription History
ADDED: Prescription History import successfully completed
ADDED: Preview of
ADDED: Primary Business Entity
ADDED: Primary Business Entity tax id is used as account id for NewCrop ePrescription. Changing the facility will affect the working in NewCrop.
ADDED: Print Receipts by Provider
ADDED: Question Mark
ADDED: Reason Deceased
ADDED: Reason for Death
ADDED: Recipient List Is Empty
ADDED: Redirection
ADDED: Required field missing: Please enter the First name
ADDED: Required field missing: Please enter the Last name
ADDED: Required field missing: Please enter the User Name
ADDED: Select a Context
ADDED: Select a User
ADDED: Select category
ADDED: Select corresponding checkboxes to delete
ADDED: Select User
ADDED: Select Users From The Dropdown List
ADDED: Sent Items
ADDED: should contain 10 digits
ADDED: should contain only 10 digits
ADDED: Show Menu
ADDED: State License Number
ADDED: Subject
ADDED: Successfully added category
ADDED: Supervising Doctor DEA
ADDED: Supervising Doctor First name
ADDED: Supervising Doctor Last name
ADDED: Supervising Doctor NPI
ADDED: Supervising Doctor UPIN
ADDED: The following categories will be removed from your category List
ADDED: The following fields have to be filled to send request.
ADDED: The length should not exceed the following number of characters
ADDED: This context contains categories, which will be deleted. Do you still want to continue?
ADDED: To add notes, please click here
ADDED: Unauthorized access to ePrescription
ADDED: User First name
ADDED: You should select at least one context
ADDED: You should select at least one Provider