New Site - Blank login screen


I’m running 6.0.0 on Win10 and I have created another site
I choose - Have setup create the database
Clone Source Database: - No
Gave name to a database, admin user and pass, go through all the steps without any issues…

Except, when I go to a new site from http://localhost/openemr/admin.PHP or with direct link http://localhost/openemr/interface/login/login.php?site=mynewsite all I got is blank page…

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

Thanks in advance

Damir Skenderovic

this sounds a lot like @juggernautsei’s post

@stephenwaite I have not gotten back to that install yet to complete the troubleshooting.

any idea where to start looking?

According to my notes look in the The globals are failing to load.

Can you provide more info?

  1. Is this a fresh install or an upgrade from a previous version?

  2. It sounds like you are trying to get another instance? Is that correct? Are you able to log into your new database via mySQL?

  3. Can you post the output from your apache error log file?

@growlingflea @damir.skenderovic
I just updated the post with what I have found so far.

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here are info:

  1. This is upgrade. Currently 6.0.0 upgraded from 5.0.2 on Win 10
  2. Yes, my idea was to get another instance. I can log to a database with php myadmin, I can see all the tables and it looks ok
  3. I cannot open apache error log file it is over 900MB. Any idea how to open it?



@damir.skenderovic are you using XAMP to run the application or something else?

It is XAMP
