mvarelas wrote on Thursday, October 12, 2006:
Hello all, and many thanks to all the contributors/devs for making this fantastic software what it is today. I recently setup and installed oemr in a small practice completely replacing their existing(read: useless) springcharts and medisoft solution. Everything has worked great. The one issue I’ve had recur is if I try to add a patient with an apostrophe in the name: I.E. Leslie O’Banion it causes it to spit out the following error:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for helpfuldie() in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\library\ on line 120
ERROR: insert failed: replace into patient_data set id=’’, title=‘Mr.’, fname=‘Leslie’, lname=‘O’banion’, mname=’’, sex=’’, DOB=‘0000-00-00’, street=’’, postal_code=’’, city=’’, state=’’, country_code=’’, ss=’’, occupation=’’, phone_home=’’, phone_biz=’’, phone_contact=’’, status=’’, contact_relationship=’’, referrer=’’, referrerID=’’, email=’’, language=’’, ethnoracial=’’, interpretter=’’, migrantseasonal=’’, family_size=’’, monthly_income=’’, homeless=’’, financial_review=’’, pubpid=‘6’, pid = 6, providerID = ‘’, genericname1 = ‘’, genericval1 = ‘’, genericname2 = ‘’, genericval2 = ‘’, phone_cell = ‘’, hipaa_mail = ‘’, hipaa_voice = ‘’, date=NOW() (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘banion’, mname=’’, sex=’’, DOB=‘0000-00-00’, street=’’, )
And it will spit out a similar error if I try to enter an encounter with an apostraphe in it- THe error is as follows-
new Your Clinic Name Here This is an apostraphe’s test. 10 11 2006 10 11 2006
Warning: Missing argument 2 for helpfuldie() in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\library\ on line 120
ERROR: query failed: insert into form_encounter set date = ‘2006-10-11’, onset_date = ‘2006-10-11’, reason = ‘This is an apostraphe’s test.’, facility = ‘Your Clinic Name Here’, pid = ‘2’, encounter = ‘90’ (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘s test.’, facility = ‘Your Clinic Name Here’, pid = ‘2’, encount)
I’m assuming at has something to do with the mysql field not accepting the apostraphes?
Anyway if anyone could please advise me on what to here, or if theres a quick fix- it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again and heres my machine specs-
MySQL 4.1.11
PHP Version 4.3.11