Hello everyone. I have tried my hand at Docker and find that I am unable to wrap my brain around this concept at this time. The simplest of changes to an OpenEMR environment under Linux are now out of my reach. Each file becomes a multi-headed hydra with the introduction of overlapping versions of files.
At this point I would like to install OpenEMR 6.x on AWS and migrate my OpenEMR 5.x data to this new platform all without the use of Docker. We already have OpenEMR 5.0.3 running in AWS on an Ubuntu 16.x EC2 instance (I believe it was a pre-package deal.) I would like to use the latest version of Ubuntu - should I use 20.04 LTS or 21.10? Would you recommend that I use the latest version of the Maria database vs MySQL? Or in the case of AWS should I migrate our MySQL data to the Amazon Aurora system and would it even work with OpenEMR? Should I use the latest version of PHP 8.1.1?
Should I assume that we need to upgrade to 6.x in order to take full advantage of the ePrescription functionality? California has a mandate that all prescriptions be filed electronically as of January 1, 2022 and there are few exceptions to this new rule.
Apologies for any redundancy as this was originally posted in Slack. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.