New Module: Automatic Claims Batching

The module fits in between the claims tracker and the billing manager what it does. It allows the biller to review the claims and make sure they are clean. Then instead of the biller having to batch the claims. The system can batch the ready claim and put it in the queue for the claim tracker. The module checks the claims for the bare minimum information before batching.

This could be great for a solo practitioner who does their own billing. Because most of them know what basic CPT and Dx codes are needed to get paid.

We are working to build out as much automation in the billing process as possible. We feel this is a big step in the right direction. We are planning to add one more thing to the module. We would like to take a poll and see what you all think.

We were thinking of adding a check for documentation. Now, the module would have no way of being able to score that documentation is complete and accurate. A human would need to do that. But it can check that the document was started. Meaning that someone opened the document and saved it. If the document is not listed like in the encounter report. The claim would not be batched.

Share with me your thoughts.

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Sherwin, this seems like an interesting add.

From my POV though, the more interesting add would be to automate the ICD10 and CPT capture from the note into the claims process.


@Peter_Litchfield most of us have already done this. We added the billing codes to the documentation process. All LBFs have this capability if turned on. When the document is saved. The billing codes are populated in the billing table. Therefore producing a claim automagically! Then there is no need to go to the fee sheet and the biller can go and review the claim.

How does one achieve this when CAMOS is used to produce the visit notes?

In the Billing class there is a method named addBilling. Use that method in the CAMOS to populate the billing on saving the CAMOS form.