I have decided to go with OPENEMR for a new practice. I am about to order the server and desktops and wanted to know what edition of Windows server would be recommended for the install. I can choose between 2008, 2011 small business and any server 2012. Thanks
Remember that you must buy hardware but software is where you have the freedom to choose
fsf http://www.fsf.org/about/
LAMP = Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP
is where you find most users here I believe
I would say all of the install tutorials are geared in this direction
Apache is the most versatile server https://httpd.apache.org/
On windows I think everyone is recommending xampp bundle
Of course if you still choose windows it will work IIS 8 http://www.iis.net/
You may want some professional support?
CentOS is the most used Linux webserver platform. And, I believe that Linux is the OS used by more webservers than any other. I believe I read that it has almost 60% share.
Now, because everyone uses it, that does not mean that is better. However, in this case there are a good reason that a large number of people use it over windows. Primarily, security and speed.
Plus, for the server, you’ll save a huge amount of money. You’ll just have to learn Linux. It might be intimidating, but its not that bad.