Regarding the “Configure Track” link in Misc issue, note the link will show up there when the Track Anything form is installed.
Regarding spacing in labs, don’t recall that in my testing. Guessing related to browser and sounds like it will need some refinement.
Regarding sample data, this sounds fine. Gonna be tough to find sample data that is common since the category of possible items is very broad and should not be meant for “official” holding of things like labs etc (note that the CDR engine will not be tracking things here, so rec avoiding placing things in sample data like glucose, BP, etc.).
sorry I do not get what you exactly propose. Put sample data or not put sample data? Test and Test1 seem to me sample data with non relation to anything.
I could go into the database.sql of produnis (if it is still in his Github track)and make a sample so you can correct or if you give the correct instructions I could make sample data that you don’t have to correct. Like the one list of Languages that are over aged or Countries that have no inhabitants (this is just an example, but has no intention to downgrade the work that had to be done to include these)
After this is done I will concentrate on the WIKI pages. Tnx produnis, Brady for this nice new feature!
ASAP. Would love to have some sample data in place but Brady did not yet respond on my request.
Three different samples of tracking might be enough.
Delivery period,short term but impressive for graphics
Pregnancy control, long term but as usual great for graphics
Bloodpressure, or Glucose, or weight, preferably not something that doubles Procedures or Vitals. Frequency of Visits and severity of complaint? Might be an option… or just severity of pain impression? Some with text and others just numbers.
Feel free to advise!
The only problem I see with tacking, is the time span for visits during different long term periods.
Another problem could be the value of one track, might not show easy with the value of another track in the same graph if one is in 3 digits and the other in 1 digit.
But this is solved by adding 2 or even 3 zeros at the end. (I will explain in the WIKI to come)
Every track has a different color in the same graph, but they are graphed against the value of the most digits.
Recommend focusing on the documentation, since a user still needs to know it actually exists and that the form needs to be installed before it can even be used.
Regarding sample data, things that are off limits would be anything in vitals and things that would be covered in procedures; this is simply because data that is stored here will not be monitored by the CDR engine and don’t want to lead users astray. That being said, if a users configures their own elements for glucose, BP, and other labs, then that’s their perogative, but don’t want to lead users towards that kind of use. My thoughts are that if the user goes through the steps to install the Track Anything form, then it will be used for a broad array of items that a sample set won’t even touch; although this is just my opinion, which can easily be swayed. I hope that makes sense.
Do note that your sample data would only include the actual labels (so you can’t control what data the user is storing). For example, if you had a pain score element, a user may place numbers or strings there.
Tnx for the deeper thoughts on using this new Form. Will take my time to make something. Fsgl promised to support, so we will be there. Put it in the Manual section or in the FAQ section or somewhere else, suggestions appreciated.
I cant remember if we had “something” about Track Anything…
What chapters should be at the bottom: Manual, Modules, Track, Forms, Procedures?
So you see I am hesitant and feel free to correct whatever you read and what you think might look better, with a different description.
Probably start this weekend, followed by day 30 of April and 1st of May.
Hi folks,
I have been out for easter-holidays with my kids, and returned to office now.
Thx for polishing the code…
I would be happy to help with a wiki-documentation, where is a good place to start such a wiki-page (Pieter, did you already set up a draft/first version somewhere?)
I did not do anything, indeed the Easter bunny. May be Rod can give you a hint on how he manages to make WIKI Pages from OpenSourge information. At least that was what he seemed to have done with his “Document templates WIKI Page”.
My approach is to take the information of this Forum, Copy => Paste in any Documentcreator and delete all info that is redundant. Try to find the main stream in the document and start polishing. This last part is the tricky one, the WIKI pages have their own way of HTML formatting characters. But with a good example of some WIKI pages you might like it can be done without too much trial and error. (There is a WIKI Page on creating WIKI pages, and you need editing permissions from Brady)
No, I did not make any effort yet. If you need some help great. If you want me to make a start, some patience, but after 1st of May there should be something, if you are not done yet. Please send some info in this forum if you made a WIKI and what still needs to be done.
Let me join others in appreciating you for this contribution.
What is the status of the documentation and is the form (as a complete directory) available for downloaded for testing by individuals on their test sites?
I have the link to the video and Brady’s committed codes. The committed codes involve changes in 19 files including the added track_anything files. This is why I was hoping I could get a package of only the track_anything files from Joe to test run.
Maybe it is wiser to get all the 19 files from Brady’s link for a proper trial of the module.