New form "track anything"

produnis wrote on Thursday, April 03, 2014:

sort-order-feature added (Column “Position” while configuring tracks)…

blankev wrote on Thursday, April 03, 2014:

is empty again.

produnis wrote on Thursday, April 03, 2014:

please note the update-schedule of the server… check back in 5 hours…

blankev wrote on Thursday, April 03, 2014:

The new Track button to register tack options works a lot better than before. Tnx I will keep on tracking and see what other issues I can find.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, April 05, 2014:

Hi Joe,

I rebased all your commits into one (I combined your labs and track anything) to make the review easier. I placed the commit and review here:

To see my comments in the commit search for bradymiller in the browser.


produnis wrote on Tuesday, April 08, 2014:

New version is out for testing, note

  • the left-nav miscellanous “Configure Tracks” link
  • only admin can delete tracks/items
  • anyone can enable/disable track/items

there is currently an extra user dummy with password dummy available to test the “non-admins cannot delete tracks” stuff… :wink:

blankev wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:

Something is wrong with the Database.SQL does not load the initial-phase as before.

All seems to work with nice new layout for adding Track anything options of delete add edit and disable.

Are there many changes to be expected for the future development of LAB tracking and Track anything? Almost time for a good WIKI page!

produnis wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:

Pieter, I just had a look at the demo-server, and all data seem to be alright…
what seems to be wrong with sql?

blankev wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:

Historic Glucose tests have no value, as before, also the historic Glucoses testing have not any value.

Boodsugar has only the statement Comment, but not the option to include value measured.

The track anything seems to be empty except for the option to view and plot, but does not give any result.

I did not test Procedures.

produnis wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:

I checked again, all track data are available, “Bloodglucose” has data, so has “Meal”. Additionally, all procedures are in place and labdata gets them all…

blankev wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:

Magic is in the air! Strange thing happen.

I must have visited the site before the daily reset.

blankev wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:


I just entered some “old” file (Practice pimmiq archives, since Zoid wanted to see the complete picture, YES has was in Curacao visiting his aunty) content in Glucose… and indeed they all show in the Graph but it becomes cluttered at the right side of the graph. Any idea on how to avoid this?

Could you make something like get the DATA from dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy, it seemed like far fetched, but when you are working with OpenEMR for a couple of years the cluttering of the dots might give a difficult to grap graph? Or am I looking at ghosts?

blankev wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:

For future reference and implementation by new Users, it would be great if a part of the sample for Procedures and Tracking (database of Joe) could be included in the basic database.sql for the next Patch of OpenEMR.

If this is accepted by the great bosses, I could include something extra like blood pressure, weight, pregnancy controls and delivery status in Track anything, just to show what is possible. It is easy for the Administrator to delete, if not wanted. Procedures is a different kind of baby, since there are no lab data general available to upload for everyone in the whole wide world. (But there might be a database from WHO, or HL7 etc. just for those unable to use the VISOLVE solution)

Tnx, any advise is welcome.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, April 21, 2014:


Did a review/test of the track anything and lab enhancement. I fixed a couple issues; check out this commit to see what I changed:

(the main issue was that the script tag breaks the “Download PDF” feature on the patient report, so migrated all the report.php js into its own file)

I think both the track anything and lab enhancement are ready to go. Here’s a rebased commit with everything in it if anybody wants to review it (plan to commit it into official codebase in a day or two):

It can be tested here (no sample data):


blankev wrote on Monday, April 21, 2014:

Brady, you have severely downgraded the database.sql of produnis. I hope you will get it in again it is so much easier to explain with a real life example. It is so easy to correct or delete the example of produnis!

If you let me I will add Delivery parameters, pregnancy parameters, blood pressure and glucose testing.

There is something included now but is was just an effort to see if it is working.

I could not find any problems in Track changes, still have to check te procedures, but also without the sample database is is just so much extra trouble to include some data.

blankev wrote on Monday, April 21, 2014:

In Procedures:

the length of the fields should be expanded on several places. Ext.Time Collected (In the field the time does not show)

Also some rather short field in viewing the procedures. But this could be due to my Firefox settings.

arnabnaha wrote on Tuesday, April 22, 2014:

I think you can include the configure Tracks button in the Miscellaneous section of the Left Nav as was before…it helps in making new tracks easily without going into encounters. Can you please do that?

blankev wrote on Tuesday, April 22, 2014:

If it helps… ButI think it was taken away from miscelleaneous since it is encounter related. Without a client there are no tracks to follow. I vote in favor to keep it where it is now. But having said this, just a way of thinking and Cliccking the correct button in time. I see the Tack as a short and quick term solution to every day encounters only to be used in emergencies.





O2 pressure etc.

Something you want to see in graph form because it is a lot easier to explain what is happening.

arnabnaha wrote on Tuesday, April 22, 2014:

True…but it can be used in everyday practice as well…you can keep track of patients blood glucose or other blood parameters in a matrix/list form and can arrange accordingly. But to configure track…u need to enter into encounter always…this shouldnt be the case…you should be able to create new tracks from outside encounters too…so that before a patient you can just click and open the track.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, April 22, 2014:

Let the Developers decide.

I have no problem with one of the options or even both would be great.

You are correct the Track Anything module works with instant creation, and with permanent creation and can be activated or deactivated. It is incredibly flexible. But it can only be used for a summary of client results for a specific client. Not for open “non” patients, where you want to place the Track Anything it might be obscured for certain users, try to login as a clinician, Physician or Clinician and see the options. Most of the Miscellaneous are obscured for other Users Compared to Administrator. And YES indeed you can create a complete list for any client any time.

We might ask for a Global to turn on one Option A or Option B or Both. This should not have to be a difficult task for Produnis or Brady since it was already in the other spot.

They asked us for review and they got nice review. TNX.