New Crop Status entry error- upon clicking get the following:
SoapFault exception: [Client] SoapClient::SoapClient(): ‘location’ and ‘uri’ options are required in nonWSDL mode in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\eRxSOAP.php:206 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\eRxSOAP.php(206): SoapClient->SoapClient(NULL) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\eRxSOAP.php(404): eRxSOAP->initializeSoapClient(1) #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\soap_functions\soap_accountStatusDetails.php(51): eRxSOAP->getAccountStatus() #3 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\eRxSOAP.php on line 206
Using version 6.02 (2)
AWS 2019 Windows Server
POST error for this XML -basically what the logs showed.
Clearly the client path argument is empty. Unsure if there is a configuration init somewhere or in Globals but i’d look at all configuration for NewCrop. Try resave Globals or …
The most probable cause of the error is in configuration and specifically Globals NewCrop eRx Web Service Address
The above error is caused because the passed through global path is empty/NULL which is an array element offset of 1 or the parsed second half of NewCrop eRx Web Service Address namely from the semicolon on.
Ensure this string is correct in globals and resave!
Re: This issue with the two urls in the same config input string can easily be overlooked especially, when in pre production settings.
Issue could be solved by adding the second url it’s own config input in globals. Anyone!
What are the symptoms that the user is seeing? We had a case where it was not the program at all but the ISP had placed NewCrops on a block list. In our case, the system would hang and not do anything when NewCrops was enabled.
@sjpadgett@juggernautsei Does anyone know where is the eRX logs in version 7? Did a NewCrop integration for a Client and couldn’t get webservices to send meds prescribed and allergies into the patient dashboard. Thanks!