bradymiller wrote on Saturday, April 24, 2010:
Here’s the lst of 317 new constants that was just added to the google doc translation table. Please don’t post comments in this thread; instead post them here:
ADDED: Add Diagnosis
ADDED: Add Immunization
ADDED: Advance Directives Warning
ADDED: All demographics fields, with search and duplication check
ADDED: All Languages Allowed
ADDED: Allow all available languages as choices on menu at login.
ADDED: Allow creation of claims containing diagnoses but not procedures or charges. Most clinics do not want this.
ADDED: Allow Encounter Claims
ADDED: Allowed Languages
ADDED: Any part of the drug id or drug name
ADDED: Any part of the immunization id or immunization name
ADDED: API key for SMS Gateway.
ADDED: Application name for login page and main window title.
ADDED: Application Title
ADDED: Applies to the Vitals form and Growth Chart
ADDED: Appointment Display Style
ADDED: Are access control group names to be translated?
ADDED: Are appointment category names to be translated?
ADDED: Are document category names to be translated?
ADDED: Are patient note titles to be translated?
ADDED: Athletic team
ADDED: Auto-Create New Encounters
ADDED: Automatically create a new encounter when appointment status is set to “@” (arrived).
ADDED: Beginning hour of day for calendar events.
ADDED: Billing Data
ADDED: Calendar Ending Hour
ADDED: Calendar Interval
ADDED: Calendar Starting Hour
ADDED: Check for differences of translations with custom language table.
ADDED: Check this if you want providers to see all appointments by default and not just their own.
ADDED: Click here
ADDED: Client Certificate Expiration Days
ADDED: Collapse
ADDED: Collapse All
ADDED: Comma
ADDED: Configuration Export/Import
ADDED: Constant name is blank
ADDED: Corrected
ADDED: Country Data Type
ADDED: Currency Decimal Places
ADDED: Currency Decimal Point Symbol
ADDED: Currency Thousands Separator
ADDED: Database upgrade finished.
ADDED: De Identification
ADDED: De Identification Process is completed
ADDED: De Identification Process is ongoing
ADDED: De Identification process is started and running in background
ADDED: De Identified data may not be complete
ADDED: De-identification files will be saved in
ADDED: Default Encounter Form ID
ADDED: Default Language
ADDED: Default language if no other is allowed or chosen.
ADDED: Default Password Expiration Days
ADDED: Default password expiration period in days. 0 means this feature is disabled.
ADDED: Default Reason for Visit
ADDED: Disable Calendar
ADDED: Disable Chart Tracker
ADDED: Disable Immunizations
ADDED: Disable Old Metric Vitals Form
ADDED: Disable Prescriptions
ADDED: Disable User Groups
ADDED: Discount Percentage
ADDED: Discounts as Monetary Amounts
ADDED: Discounts at checkout time are entered as money amounts, as opposed to percentage.
ADDED: Display advance directives in the demographics page.
ADDED: Do not display the calendar.
ADDED: Do not inventory and sell any products
ADDED: Do not require patient notes to be authorized
ADDED: Do you really want to delete the selection?
ADDED: Download Anyway
ADDED: Drug Finder
ADDED: Drugs and Products
ADDED: Edit Definitions
ADDED: Edit Global Settings
ADDED: Email address, if any, to receive administrative notifications.
ADDED: Email address, if any, to receive emergency login user activation messages.
ADDED: Email Notification Hours
ADDED: Email Transport Method
ADDED: Emergency Login Email Address
ADDED: Enable Client SSL
ADDED: Enable client SSL certificate authentication.
ADDED: Enables the old Charges panel for entering billing codes and payments. Not recommended, use the Fee Sheet instead.
ADDED: Encounter statistics
ADDED: End date should be greater than Begin date
ADDED: Ending hour of day for calendar events.
ADDED: Enter Database root Password
ADDED: Enter Database root Username
ADDED: Enter Diagnosis
ADDED: Enter Drugs
ADDED: Enter Immunizations
ADDED: Enter the Re Identification code
ADDED: Error confirming receipt of lab results
ADDED: Error getting lab results from Lab Exchange Network
ADDED: Error when granting file privilege to the OpenEMR user.
ADDED: Expand
ADDED: Expand All
ADDED: Features
ADDED: Field type to use for employer or subscriber country in demographics.
ADDED: Field type to use for employer or subscriber state in demographics.
ADDED: File privilege granted to OpenEMR user.
ADDED: Filter for Definitions
ADDED: Following is a new custom constant:
ADDED: Following is a new custom language:
ADDED: Following is a new definition (Language, Constant, Definition):
ADDED: for Invoice
ADDED: For Medicare only, forces the referring provider to be the same as the rendering provider.
ADDED: Format used to display most dates.
ADDED: Forwarded
ADDED: Full path to directory containing MySQL executables.
ADDED: Full path to directory containing Perl executables.
ADDED: Full path to directory for event log backup.
ADDED: Full path to directory used for temporary files.
ADDED: Global Settings
ADDED: Globals
ADDED: How did they hear about us
ADDED: Idle Session Timeout Seconds
ADDED: If SMTP is used, the server`s hostname or IP address.
ADDED: If SMTP is used, the server`s TCP port number (usually 25).
ADDED: Include Unstructured data
ADDED: Incomplete
ADDED: Indicator for specialized usage
ADDED: Inventory and sell both drugs and non-drug products
ADDED: Inventory and sell drugs only
ADDED: Invoice Reference Number
ADDED: Invoice reference number pool, if used
ADDED: Invoice Reference Number Pools
ADDED: Invoice Refno Pool
ADDED: Is text from form layouts to be translated?
ADDED: Is text from lists to be translated?
ADDED: Lab Results
ADDED: Layout Style
ADDED: Locale
ADDED: location of the openemr machine and may contain sensitive data, so it is recommended to manually delete the files after its use
ADDED: Manage Translations
ADDED: Mandatory and specified fields
ADDED: Mandatory or specified fields only, dup check, no search
ADDED: Mandatory or specified fields only, search and dup check
ADDED: Mask for Invoice Numbers
ADDED: Mask for Patient IDs
ADDED: Maximum idle time in seconds before logout. Default is 7200 (2 hours).
ADDED: Means none of last three passwords are allowed when changing a password.
ADDED: Medicare Referrer Is Renderer
ADDED: Message Status
ADDED: Messages
ADDED: Method for sending outgoing email.
ADDED: Must be empty if SMTP authentication is not used.
ADDED: New Orders
ADDED: No match Patient record found for the given Re Idenitification code
ADDED: No Patient record found for given Selection criteria
ADDED: No Patient record found for the given Re Identification code
ADDED: Normally this should be checked. Not related to access control.
ADDED: Notification Email Address
ADDED: Notifications
ADDED: Number of days that the client certificate is valid.
ADDED: Number of digits after decimal point for currency, usually 0 or 2.
ADDED: Number of hours in advance to send email notifications.
ADDED: Number of hours in advance to send SMS notifications.
ADDED: Old-style static form without search or duplication check
ADDED: Omit employer information in patient demographics
ADDED: Omit Employers
ADDED: Omit form, route and interval which then become part of dosage
ADDED: Omit insurance and some other things from the demographics form
ADDED: Omit method of payment from the co-pay panel
ADDED: Online Support Link
ADDED: OpenEMR Database Upgrade
ADDED: OpenEMR Database Upgrade for De-identification
ADDED: Option to support inventory and sales of products
ADDED: Optional category name of a document to link to from the patient summary page. Lets you click on a patient name to see their ID card.
ADDED: Password Expiration Grace Period
ADDED: Password for SMS Gateway.
ADDED: Path for Event Log Backup
ADDED: Path to CA Certificate File
ADDED: Path to CA Key File
ADDED: Path to MySQL Binaries
ADDED: Path to Perl Binaries
ADDED: Path to Temporary Files
ADDED: Patient ID Category Name
ADDED: Patient Reminders
ADDED: Patient Search Results Style
ADDED: Pending F/U
ADDED: Pending Res
ADDED: Pending Review
ADDED: Period
ADDED: Period in days where a user may login with an expired password.
ADDED: Pick a CSS theme.
ADDED: Please choose a patient
ADDED: Please Click download button to download the De Identified data
ADDED: Please Click download button to download the Re Identified data
ADDED: Please enter correct Re Identification code
ADDED: Please enter new search string
ADDED: Please enter the correct Re Identification code
ADDED: Please restart the apache server before playing with de-identification
ADDED: Please set
ADDED: Please set de_identification_config variable back to zero
ADDED: Please start new De Identification process
ADDED: Please upgrade OpenEMR Database to include De Identification procedures, function, tables
ADDED: Please view De Identification error log table for more details
ADDED: Please visit De Identification screen after some time
ADDED: Please visit Re Identification screen after some time
ADDED: Please visit the screen after some time
ADDED: Print Command
ADDED: Print message
ADDED: Proc Pending Rev
ADDED: Products but no prescription drugs and no templates
ADDED: Providers See Entire Calendar
ADDED: Re Identification
ADDED: Re Identification Process is completed
ADDED: Re Identification Process is ongoing
ADDED: Re-identification files will be saved in
ADDED: Remember Selected Facility
ADDED: Removes support for immunizations
ADDED: Removes support for prescriptions
ADDED: Removes the Chart Tracker feature
ADDED: Require Strong Passwords
ADDED: Require Unique Passwords
ADDED: Restrict non-authorized users to the Schedule Facilities set in User admin.
ADDED: Restrict Users to Facilities
ADDED: Search for
ADDED: Search string does not match with list in database
ADDED: Search string should have at least three characters
ADDED: Security
ADDED: Select Data Required for De Identification
ADDED: Select data to be included in De Identified data
ADDED: Select Diagnosis
ADDED: Select Diagnosis for De Identification request
ADDED: Select Drug
ADDED: Select Drugs
ADDED: Select Drugs for De Identification request
ADDED: Select Immunizations
ADDED: Select Immunizations for De Identification request
ADDED: Select Language
ADDED: Select which languages, if any, may be chosen at login. (only pertinent if above All Languages Allowed is turned off)
ADDED: Send message
ADDED: Set a facility cookie to remember the selected facility between logins.
ADDED: Set this to the full absolute path. For creating client SSL certificates for HTTPS.
ADDED: Shell command for printing from the server.
ADDED: Show both US and metric (main unit is metric)
ADDED: Show both US and metric (main unit is US)
ADDED: Show metric only
ADDED: Show US only
ADDED: Sign Lab Results (write,addonly optional)
ADDED: Sign Results
ADDED: Simplified Co-Pay
ADDED: Simplified Demographics
ADDED: Simplified Prescriptions
ADDED: Single-selection list
ADDED: Single-selection list with ability to add to the list
ADDED: Skip Authorization of Patient Notes
ADDED: Skipping section
ADDED: SMS Gateway API Key
ADDED: SMS Gateway Password
ADDED: SMS Gateway Username
ADDED: SMS Notification Hours
ADDED: SMTP Password for Authentication
ADDED: SMTP Server Hostname
ADDED: SMTP Server Port Number
ADDED: SMTP User for Authentication
ADDED: Some error has occured during De Identification Process
ADDED: Sort Down
ADDED: Sort Up
ADDED: Space
ADDED: Specific Application
ADDED: Specifies formatting for invoice reference numbers. # = digit, * = any character. Empty if not used.
ADDED: Specifies formatting for the external patient ID. # = digit, * = any character. Empty if not used.
ADDED: State Data Type
ADDED: Strong password means at least 8 characters, and at least three of: a number, a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a special character.
ADDED: Style of form used for adding new patients
ADDED: Success confirming receipt of lab result
ADDED: Success getting lab results
ADDED: Support calendar events that apply to multiple providers
ADDED: Support export/import of configuration data via the Backup page.
ADDED: Support Multi-Provider Events
ADDED: Symbol used as the decimal point for currency. Not used if Decimal Places is 0.
ADDED: Symbol used to separate thousands for currency.
ADDED: Synchronize
ADDED: Synchronize translations with custom language table.
ADDED: Synchronized new custom constant:
ADDED: Synchronized new custom language:
ADDED: Synchronized new definition (Language, Constant, Definition):
ADDED: Telephone Country Code
ADDED: Tentative Invoice Ref No
ADDED: Text field
ADDED: The above statement failed
ADDED: The destination form was closed
ADDED: The time granularity of the calendar and the smallest interval in minutes for an appointment slot.
ADDED: The translation tables are synchronized.
ADDED: Theme
ADDED: This determines how appointments display on the calendar.
ADDED: This was the older metric-only Vitals form, now deprecated.
ADDED: To automatically open the specified form. Some sports teams use football_injury_audit here.
ADDED: to run
ADDED: Translate Access Control Groups
ADDED: Translate Appointment Categories
ADDED: Translate Document Categories
ADDED: Translate Layouts
ADDED: Translate Lists
ADDED: Translate Patient Note Titles
ADDED: Type of columns displayed for patient search results
ADDED: Type of screen layout
ADDED: Units for Visit Forms
ADDED: unstructured
ADDED: Upgrade Database
ADDED: Upgrades the OpenEMR database to include Procedures, Functions and tables needed for De-identification process
ADDED: Upgrading will continue
ADDED: URL for OpenEMR support.
ADDED: Use Charges Panel
ADDED: Username for SMS Gateway.
ADDED: variable to one to run de-identification upgrade script
ADDED: Weight loss clinic
ADDED: You may put text here as the default complaint in the New Patient Encounter form.
ADDED: 1 = North America. See for a list of other country codes.