New Constants for Translation

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, March 20, 2010:

Here’s the lst of 384 new constants that was just added to the google doc translation table. Please don’t post comments in this thread; instead post them here:

ADDED: A client certificate for the admin user
ADDED: A lowercase letter
ADDED: A number
ADDED: A patient with this ID already exists.
ADDED: A patient with this name already exists.
ADDED: A patient with this SS already exists.
ADDED: A special character
ADDED: About the calendar
ADDED: Activity
ADDED: Add following lines to the Apache configuration file
ADDED: Add new certificates to the Apache configuration file
ADDED: Add new lot and transaction
ADDED: Add Provider Number
ADDED: Add Top Level
ADDED: Add/Edit Patient Transaction
ADDED: Additional Attributes
ADDED: Address book entry for the company performing this procedure
ADDED: Address book entry for the vendor
ADDED: Address Book Types
ADDED: Administer Via
ADDED: Advance Directives
ADDED: After performing above configurations, import the admin client certificate to the browser and restart Apache server (empty password).
ADDED: After saving the TEXT file(s), click  to check for errors.
ADDED: All Products
ADDED: Allow
ADDED: An uppercase letter
ADDED: and restart Apache server.
ADDED: Append this note
ADDED: Authorized Only
ADDED: Avg Monthly
ADDED: Back To Patient
ADDED: Back To View
ADDED: Backup Successfully taken in
ADDED: Batch Results
ADDED: Bilateral
ADDED: Blood
ADDED: Body Site
ADDED: Body site, if applicable
ADDED: Buttock
ADDED: Canceled
ADDED: Capitalize
ADDED: Certificate Authority crt file location cannot be empty
ADDED: Certificate Authority key file location cannot be empty
ADDED: Certificate User
ADDED: Certificates
ADDED: Checksum
ADDED: Clear HL7 Data
ADDED: Click Download Certificate to download the certificates in the file
ADDED: Click here to choose a date and time
ADDED: Click here to choose a start date
ADDED: click here to search
ADDED: Click on any of the time parts to increase it
ADDED: Click to select an industry-standard code for this procedure
ADDED: Click to select services to perform if this result is abnormal
ADDED: Click to select the desired procedure
ADDED: Client certificate validation period
ADDED: Client certificate validity should be a valid number.
ADDED: collapse
ADDED: Collapse all
ADDED: Color:Abbr
ADDED: Combining Lots
ADDED: Comments for this result or recommendation
ADDED: Complete
ADDED: Configuration
ADDED: Configure Apache and OpenEMR to use Client side SSL certificates.
ADDED: Configure Apache to use Client side SSL certificates
ADDED: Configure Apache to use HTTPS.
ADDED: Configure Openemr to use Client side SSL certificates
ADDED: Confirm Create New Patient
ADDED: contain at least three of the four following items:
ADDED: Could not read file
ADDED: Country Name should be represent in two letters. (Example: United States is US)
ADDED: Create a Client side SSL certificate for each user or client machine.
ADDED: Create a client side SSL certificate for either a user or a client hostname.
ADDED: Create Client Certificate
ADDED: Create Client side SSL certificates
ADDED: Create Eventlog Backup
ADDED: Create the SSL Certificate Authority and Server certificates.
ADDED: Currently there are no facilities.
ADDED: Date and time of sample collection
ADDED: Date and time that the sample was collected
ADDED: Date of this order
ADDED: Date of this report
ADDED: Date Ordered
ADDED: Days Missed
ADDED: Days/Col:
ADDED: Default Range
ADDED: Default Units
ADDED: Default Warehouse
ADDED: Description of this procedure or result code
ADDED: Discrete Result
ADDED: Displayed Columns
ADDED: Do you really want to delete
ADDED: Download
ADDED: Download Certificates
ADDED: Drag to move
ADDED: Dup Check
ADDED: Edit Facility
ADDED: Edit User
ADDED: Email Address
ADDED: Emergency Login
ADDED: Emergency Login ACL is chosen. The user is still in active state, please de-activate the user and activate the same when required during emergency situations. Visit Administration->Users for activation or de-activation.
ADDED: Emergency Login activation email will be circulated only if following settings in the interface/globals.php file are configured:
ADDED: Emergency Login user can do anything
ADDED: Enable User Certificate Authentication
ADDED: Error, the file does not exist
ADDED: Error, unable to create client certificate.
ADDED: Error, unable to create the admin.p12 certificate.
ADDED: Error, unable to create the Certificate Authority certificate.
ADDED: Error, unable to create the Server certificate.
ADDED: Error, unable to open file
ADDED: Error, User Certificate Authentication is not enabled in OpenEMR
ADDED: Error: passwords don’t match. Please check your typing.
ADDED: Error: the file does not exist
ADDED: Example
ADDED: expand
ADDED: Ext Time Collected
ADDED: Extract the zip file
ADDED: file in the Documentation directory to learn how to automate the process of creating log backups
ADDED: file location
ADDED: Fill in the values below
ADDED: Final
ADDED: Fitness Level
ADDED: Fitness level for this player on this day
ADDED: Followup Services
ADDED: Followups Indicated
ADDED: For example:
ADDED: For the past
ADDED: for variable
ADDED: Force Create New Patient
ADDED: from
ADDED: Games Missed
ADDED: Generate and download CMS 1500 paper claims
ADDED: Generate CMS 1500 PDF
ADDED: Generate CMS 1500 TEXT
ADDED: Go Today
ADDED: Host Name
ADDED: Host Name cannot be empty
ADDED: Imaging Service
ADDED: Immunization Service
ADDED: Import certificate to the browser.
ADDED: Include Checksum
ADDED: Include Completed
ADDED: Indicates abnormality
ADDED: Indigent Patients
ADDED: Injection
ADDED: Injury/illness-related
ADDED: Internal Time Collected
ADDED: Inventory Activity
ADDED: Issues (Injuries/Medical/Allergy)
ADDED: Lab Service
ADDED: Last Reviewed
ADDED: Laterality
ADDED: Laterality of this procedure, if applicable
ADDED: Lifestyle status
ADDED: Location of this lot
ADDED: Making batch text files for uploading to Clearing House and will mark as billed
ADDED: Manage
ADDED: Manual
ADDED: Missing a required field
ADDED: Missing Mods Only
ADDED: Missing report date
ADDED: Months
ADDED: Multiple Lots
ADDED: Name (click for more)
ADDED: Name of Events
ADDED: Negative
ADDED: Negatives
ADDED: Never
ADDED: New Patient Form
ADDED: New Search
ADDED: Next month (hold for menu)
ADDED: Next year (hold for menu)
ADDED: No Documents Found
ADDED: No injury/illness
ADDED: No matches were found. Create the new patient now?
ADDED: not a letter or number
ADDED: On Site
ADDED: OpenEMR already has a Certificate Authority configured.
ADDED: OpenEMR must be configured to use certificates before it can create client certificates.
ADDED: Optional default range for manual entry of results
ADDED: Optional default units for manual entry of results
ADDED: Options
ADDED: or click and drag for faster selection.
ADDED: or Shift-click to decrease it
ADDED: Order and Result Types
ADDED: Order Catalog
ADDED: Order From
ADDED: Order Priorities
ADDED: Order Processor
ADDED: Order Statuses
ADDED: Order Type
ADDED: Order/Result Type
ADDED: Ordered
ADDED: Ordering Provider
ADDED: Organization Name
ADDED: Organizational Unit Name
ADDED: Patient Instructions
ADDED: Patient Note
ADDED: Patient Results
ADDED: PatientID
ADDED: Pending Followup from Results
ADDED: Pending Orders
ADDED: Percent
ADDED: Percentile
ADDED: Please change your password.
ADDED: Please do not accept this prescription unless it was received via facsimile.
ADDED: Please enter a date for Last Reviewed.
ADDED: Please enter the password
ADDED: Please fill them in before continuing.
ADDED: Please input search criteria above, and click Submit to view results.
ADDED: Please refer to
ADDED: Please reset the password.
ADDED: Please select at least one prescription!
ADDED: Positive
ADDED: Positives
ADDED: Preliminary
ADDED: prescription has reached its limit of
ADDED: Present
ADDED: Prev. month (hold for menu)
ADDED: Prev. year (hold for menu)
ADDED: Priority
ADDED: Proc Bat
ADDED: Proc Cat
ADDED: Proc Res
ADDED: Procedure Body Sites
ADDED: Procedure Boolean Results
ADDED: Procedure Code
ADDED: Procedure Lateralities
ADDED: Procedure Order
ADDED: Procedure Order for
ADDED: Procedure Report Statuses
ADDED: Procedure Result Abnormal
ADDED: Procedure Result Statuses
ADDED: Procedure Results
ADDED: Procedure Routes
ADDED: Procedure Specimen Types
ADDED: Procedure Statistics Report
ADDED: Procedure Type
ADDED: Procedure Types
ADDED: Procedure Units
ADDED: Product
ADDED: Provide absolute path
ADDED: Provide absolute path of file
ADDED: Provide valid Email Address
ADDED: Purchases
ADDED: Range
ADDED: Ratio
ADDED: Recent three passwords are not allowed.
ADDED: Recommendation
ADDED: Recreational drug use
ADDED: Recreational Drugs
ADDED: Reference range of results
ADDED: Related Issue
ADDED: Relative ordering of this entity
ADDED: Report Status
ADDED: Reported
ADDED: Result Status
ADDED: Result status or abnormality is missing
ADDED: Results and
ADDED: Reviewed
ADDED: Route of administration, if applicable
ADDED: Routed
ADDED: Saliva
ADDED: Save as new note
ADDED: Save Certificate Settings
ADDED: Search/Add
ADDED: Select date
ADDED: Select the issue primarily responsible for any missed events on this day
ADDED: Sequence
ADDED: Service
ADDED: Should be two letters
ADDED: Show Notes
ADDED: Sort by Checksum
ADDED: Sort by Crt User
ADDED: Sort by PatientID
ADDED: Sort by Success
ADDED: Source Lot
ADDED: Specialist
ADDED: Specific Result
ADDED: Specimen
ADDED: Specimen number/identifier
ADDED: Specimen Type
ADDED: SSL Certificate Administration
ADDED: Standard Code
ADDED: Start Date should not be greater than End Date
ADDED: State Or Province
ADDED: Stock Months
ADDED: submit
ADDED: Success
ADDED: Supplier facility name
ADDED: The Apache SSL server certificate and public key
ADDED: The Certificate Authority certificate
ADDED: The corresponding private key
ADDED: The following Emergency Login User is activated:
ADDED: The following fields are required
ADDED: The password must be at least eight characters, and should
ADDED: The type of this entity
ADDED: The vendor-specific code identifying this procedure or result
ADDED: The zip file will contain the following items
ADDED: There are currently no prescriptions
ADDED: There are no charts checked out.
ADDED: There are no notes on file for this patient.
ADDED: There is no current patient
ADDED: This product allows only one lot per warehouse.
ADDED: Time selection
ADDED: to absolute path of file
ADDED: To add notes, please click
ADDED: To Disable client side SSL certificates, comment above lines in Apache configuration file and set
ADDED: To Disable HTTPS, comment the above lines in Apache configuration file and restart Apache server.
ADDED: To enable Client side ssl certificates
ADDED: To Enable Client side SSL certificates authentication, HTTPS should be enabled.
ADDED: To Enable only HTTPS, perform the above changes and restart Apache server. If you want to configure client side certificates also, please configure them in the next section.
ADDED: To link this encounter/consult to an existing issue, click the
ADDED: To setup https access with client certificate authentication, do the following
ADDED: today
ADDED: Total Cost
ADDED: Transaction failed, insufficient quantity in destination lot
ADDED: Transaction failed, quantity is less than zero
ADDED: Transfer failed, insufficient quantity in source lot
ADDED: Transfers
ADDED: Type of Events
ADDED: Types of Orders and Results
ADDED: Unbilled Only
ADDED: Units not defined
ADDED: Units/L
ADDED: Update Active
ADDED: Update Provider Number
ADDED: Update the following variables in file
ADDED: Urine
ADDED: Use the fields below for a purchase or transfer.
ADDED: User / Groups
ADDED: User Certificate Authentication is disabled
ADDED: User name or Host name cannot be empty
ADDED: User or Host name
ADDED: Value
ADDED: Vendor
ADDED: View Patient
ADDED: Warehouse
ADDED: Warehouses
ADDED: Weekly Exposures
ADDED: Weeks
ADDED: Welcome
ADDED: You are in Grace Login period. Change your password before
ADDED: You must select a visit category.
ADDED: Your name for this category, procedure or result
ADDED: Your Password Expired. Please change your password.
ADDED: Your Password Expires on
ADDED: Your Password Expires today. Please change your password.
ADDED: yyyy-mm-dd date of purchase or transfer
ADDED: (Shift-)Click or drag to change value

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, March 20, 2010:

slight miscount: is 382 constants (not 384)