Never leaving the login_frame.php page

dmssmgr wrote on Tuesday, May 09, 2006:

PHP 4.4.2, MySQL 4.1, Linux, Apache

After a successful installation (via FTP transfer) and (phpmyadmin SQL load of files and data) the screen will never leave the login_frame.php page utilizing the ‘admin’ ‘pass’. I have verified the data in the user file as auth=‘1’.

Anyone have any clues why this is not allowing me to log in?

andres_paglayan wrote on Tuesday, May 09, 2006:

Globals on, may be?

dmssmgr wrote on Wednesday, May 10, 2006:

Globals set to ‘off’

dmssmgr wrote on Wednesday, May 10, 2006:

Also, I don’t seem to really be logged in when I echo variables to the screen.

drbowen wrote on Wednesday, May 10, 2006:

This sounds like you don’t actually have permission to log in.

The way you describe your setup doesn’t sound like the standard way.

Is this a new database or an upgrade with live data?

Have you run the setup session?

Can you access the mysql server from the command line and can you log on with the mysql root user?

You can reset the admin password from the mysql client as the root user:

shell> mysql -h localhost -u root
mysql>\u openemr
mysql>UPDATE users SET password=MD5(‘pass’) WHERE username=‘admin’;

dmssmgr wrote on Wednesday, May 10, 2006:

First: New Database
Second: I ran the setup with modifications. I manually created the databases through SQL on phpmyadmin, because I do not have command line access to the server. I can’t ssh into it. Shared server.

Though, this has never been an issue before. I run many php/mysql server applications. It is a dedicated mysql database (just no root user)

andres_paglayan wrote on Wednesday, May 10, 2006:

check with globals on,

markleeds wrote on Tuesday, May 23, 2006:

I had this problem on my pda.  Turned out to be a browser issue.

Is Javascript turned off or not fully supported by your browser?

dmssmgr wrote on Tuesday, May 23, 2006:

I’ve tried it with both Firefox and I.E. Explorer, both with Javascript turned on.

markleeds wrote on Tuesday, May 23, 2006:

Try Dr. Bowen’s solution above.  You should be able to do it with phpmyadmin because you can enter queries with it.

Just to check, you could try:

SELECT password FROM users WHERE username=‘admin’

and then…

SELECT MD5(‘pass’)

and see if they are the same.  If not, do as he suggested above:

UPDATE users SET password=MD5(‘pass’) WHERE username=‘admin’

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, May 23, 2006:

What SQL statement(s) did you use to set up the openemr database?

Using the openemr database what result do get from the query?


Sam Bowen

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, May 23, 2006:

sorry about the typos:

SELECT * FROM users;

A result of auth=‘1’ suggests that there is an ‘admin’ user there should be more to the result. It should look something more like:

|  1 | admin | e62a159426521426a1b04e217be36be8 |          1 | NULL |   NULL |          | NULL     | Your User Name | NULL         | NULL          | NULL | Your Clinic |



is the md5 hash of the password ‘pass’.

(This is not a real result but a faked one to protect the innocent).

Sam Bowen

dmssmgr wrote on Wednesday, May 24, 2006:

Unfortuneatly, none of the above works for me. Now the register_globals is set to ON.

I have to try something else, though I wanted to utilize this program.