Networking computers to use openemr synchronously

kindly assist me to network my computers to use openemr. I was able to make it run on my laptop, but i also want it to run on the other computer by using the first laptop as a server such that all the computers will work synchronously. Thanks

I’m assuming all your computers on the same network. How are they connected?

First you need to make sure your laptop firewall allows incoming connections to port 80 and 443

The rest should be fairly simple, on one of the other computers open a web browser and type the name of your laptop (right click ‘This PC’(win10) or ‘Computer’(win7) then ‘properties’ on your laptop to check this) or the IP address of your laptop into the browser address bar, hit enter and you should connect.

That’s a fairly simplistic set of instructions but would need more detail of your setup to give anything better.


Thanks, I finally got it working 2days ago. I really appreciate your suggestions. Thanks again

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