Need to modify patient Encounter form, looking to hire developer

I’m looking for a developer to make some changes to the patient encounter forms, mostly removing some fields and changing options for others.
Additionally I would like to expand the report functionality to allow the export of a csv with all encounters over a given time.

We are running OpenEMR 5.0.2 installed on locally on Ubuntu.

I have a solution already that exports into .csv. Here is a photo of one of my reports which lists immunizations that were administered and submitted to an immunization registry. There is an option to either do a copy or have it generate a csv (see highlighted). I can also have it generate a pdf.

I have been writing interactive reports for OpenEMR for about 5 years. There are other examples of my work posted to this forum.

Please contact me directly to discuss.

Hi Amrit,

You might wish to consider using the layout based forms generator to make custom forms for use during an encounter.

If you go to Administration → Layouts
Click “New Layout”

Type a layout ID that starts with LBF
Here’s an example.

Then you can add groups, within groups you can add fields.

Click encounter preview on the right to see how your new encounter form will look when you use it in the future.

Hi @amrit_padda

I can help

Can we have a discussion over Skype : cis.am3 or email me at so that i can give you an exact solution

Best regards

@RachelEllison How would I be able to get stats for this custom form? Would it show up in reports?

Hi Amrit,

I’m not sure about more recent versions but at least in it doesn’t appear to automatically generate a report.

However the data shows up under table lbf_data in the database. One of the fields in that table, form_id references table forms which you can use to discover the patient id and associated encounters.

Depending on what data you’re trying to report it might be a pretty simple SQL command or two then just a little code to visualize it in a nice way.

There is no auto reporting anywhere in the program. All reports have to be manually built.
I found an affordable commercial package that can help you build reports faster.

I have not tried it yet but it looks like you can drop it in and connect to the database to generate reports. It is not automatic but it is better than building reports from scratch. It has the ability to save reports so that they can be repeated.

Ok, so I would have to generate the reports externally.
Once I create the layout, how do I access it? Where do I specify to use my new layout instead of the default encounters one?

After creating a report, store the file in interface-> reports. Then you need to add the filename to the menu. That file is called standard.json.

It depends on which version of OpenEMR you’re running. After you open a new patient encounter it’s under Layout Based in the version I’m on. 5.0.1

5.0.2 I believe it moved to under Administrative(lbt) or Clinical(lbf)

Daniel, I need your help. Please get back to me. My email address is