Need help - Locating NoteWiz author - An old question

drjccaldwell wrote on Wednesday, September 24, 2014:

This basics of this topic has been answered earlier. This is a slight modification.

Back in 2006 I had a coder modify OpenEMR to use a NoteWiz program of his. Unfortunately I no longer have his contact information. Early on this guy’s website popped up when searching OpenEMR so I am sure some of the old-timers know who he is.
I need to contact him in order to pull out those old records. His lines of code are no longer used by us but I need to extract these notes.

So 2 questions:

  1. Are the older versions of OpenEMR available. My thinking is that I can create a new (old) OpenEMR instance on another computer and restore the back up and print these notes or convert them into pdf files. Will need to go back to the days of manual installation and such. Version
  2. Any ideas who this guy is. He was very nice and helpful and smart. I am sure if I could find him he may know a way out of the woods.

Currently extracting a back up from 7/2006. Will let you know what I find. Have not created an old OpenEMR instance yet.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, September 27, 2014:

Rod’s advice is still the best bet.

Most of the experienced developers are preoccupied with MU 2 certification, therefore it will be matter of running down the list of Professional Support in the Wiki.