Need Help Loading Fee Schedule

redlettertech wrote on Wednesday, January 10, 2007:

We have chosen to use the OpenEMR 2.8.1 with ZirMed since there was lots of documentation and support for that version. I have a few follow up questions about the fee schedule and loading the data into the openemr database. 

I downloaded the 07anweb_v3_122106.txt file from HHS website.  Looking into the file I saw several lines with no numeric values (prices), should I be concerned?  I was planing to use it as the input to openemr/contrib/util/load_doc_fees.plx.

Are we understanding correctly that this file and our multiplier will establish a baseline set of prices for all of the procedures we perform?

In the load_doc_fees.plx file is a customizable parameter called CARRIER.  Do we have to run the load_doc_fees.plx for each of the insurance carriers our clinic will accept?

Redletter Tech

redlettertech wrote on Thursday, January 11, 2007:

Downloaded an updated /contrib/util/load_doc_fees.plx file from CVS.  In the file comments was an updated URL for obtaining the correct file.

The Carrier ID is the state identifier and not insurance carrier id.

Redletter Tech

dlee5400 wrote on Monday, December 28, 2009:

**Current System**: Windows 2003, XAMPP 1.7.0, OpenEMR 3.1.0, PHP 5.2.8, Perl v5.10.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread, MYSQL 5.1.30

I ran “load____doc____fees.plx < PFALL10A2.TXT” with the results being: **Inserted 0 rows, updated 0 rows.**

My questions: “Is this an outdated utility? Are these doc fees used anymore?, Did the down loaded file change and the utility needs to be update?”

I did notice the down loaded file had several columns that the perl script didn’t seem to account for???


ideaman911 wrote on Thursday, December 31, 2009:


I believe that the ONLY PLX file which has been verified to be current is the load-icd9-data.plx from (substitute underscores, which do not display here, for the dashes)

If anyone out there has tried the others, and has any insights into revising the PLX file(s) to work, please post it here.  Thanks.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241

sraj49 wrote on Thursday, December 31, 2009:


I am using the xammp version for a prospect for demo and I had to change the .plx to .pl and the download for the site took place instantly and without blemish. May be this helps.

juggernautsei wrote on Monday, August 30, 2010:

Can someone post the web address to where the Fee Schedule for both CPT4 and ICD-9 codes?


mdsupport wrote on Monday, August 30, 2010:

The ICD9 codes are scraped from  For 2010 that is appx 14000 codes - you choose the year by modifying the URL put in the script.  I wish the script defaulted to current year or used command line parameters.

The CPT codes are picked up from a flat file you create after you have bought a subscription from AMA since the codes lists are copyrighted property of AMA. 

Both scripts are great time savers.