I am using version 5.0.2 (5) of openemr and running on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS. I need a list of patient names and emails over a given date range. Does anyone know how to obtain such a list? I thought about using MYSQL Workbench on a test machine to extract the data. Thanks.
Yes, you can run a mySQL query. Are you looking to find all emails send and received? Or are you looking for a patient list and their email addresses who you’ve seen over a certain date range?
Daniel, thank you so much for your reply. I occasionally need a list of patients seen with their emails over a given date range. For others who might need a similar report, I usually go to Miscellaneous - BatchCom and use the Batch Communication Tool to obtain a CSV file of demographics. I open the CSV file in a Libre Office spreed sheet and edit out what I don’t need. The problem with this approach is the Batch Communication Tool frequently does not work and you end up with error messages. These errors occur both with 5.0.2 (5) and the most recent version of 6.0.0. If you shut the machine down and try again at a later time, it might work. Fortunately last night I got the Batch Tool to work so I have the information I need for now.