ajperezcrespo wrote on Tuesday, November 20, 2012:
Is there any way to use variables in Nation Notes? Similar to what CAMOS does with patientname, patientage, patientgender, doctorname ?
ajperezcrespo wrote on Tuesday, November 20, 2012:
Is there any way to use variables in Nation Notes? Similar to what CAMOS does with patientname, patientage, patientgender, doctorname ?
blankev wrote on Tuesday, November 20, 2012:
I do not see what is your idea. You can use Subjective, Objective, A, Plan and get something like the SOAP option form.
But you can add choose with list with add options in Layout. I tried this with Country and it is easy. You probably can also add name and gender, but I could not create the option to GET name and gender from earlier input out of Demographics.
Gender can be used with the list sex. choices: female male
This means that you can add lists of whatever you want to add in layout.
Hope there is is some help, probably there is more and better help from the developer of NationNotes.
I would love to see how the get info from other existing lists and how this can be accomplished.
Gr, Pimm
ajperezcrespo wrote on Tuesday, November 20, 2012:
Hi Pimm,
Actually that last item is what I meant. How to pull info from other lists.
Also pre-defined formats would be nice. For example Headers, Footers, images and others.