Nation Notes does not work with OpenEMR 7.0.2

I have an LBF form that uses NationNotes for some of the fields. After I upgraded from 7.0.1(1) to 7.0.2 NationNotes can’t save any data entered. The WYSIWYG editor in Nation Notes also disappeared.

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 7.0.2. I can replicate this on the demo site.

I’m using: Firefox, Brave, and Chrome.

Operating System
I’m using OpenEMR on Debian server.

Did you search the forum for similar questions? Yes

Did you check the logs? It’s a production system so I have to revert it back to 7.0.1, unable to check.
Was there anything pertinent in them?
Please paste them here (surround with three backticks (```) for readability.
You can also turn on User Debugging under Administration->Globals->Logging User Debugging Options=>All

So here is the screenshot I got from the main Demo site this morning, this is a NationNotes field within the LBF form. As you notice, there is no WYSIWYG editor:

I tried to type some words into the field and hit Insert in Form but nothing happens. If I close it out it displays blank form like this:

Thank you for any guidance! I believe this is a bug. We have a custom LBF form that uses NationNotes heavily so this has prevented us from upgrading from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2.

Mind testing on 1 of these demos please?

I tested it on and it works!

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It will be in the first patch for 7.0.2 soon to be released.

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Thank you so much!!!