gutiersa wrote on Monday, December 05, 2011:
I have upgraded from 3.2 to 4.1.0_4 successfully (finally).
Now I am trying to move a previously separate installation of openemr, from another office, into its own sites folder.
I am following the instructions as a new install, but using the new site name.
I can get to up to step 3, then it breaks. This is the output:
Step 3
Configuring OpenEMR…
Connecting to MySQL Server… OK.
Creating database… OK.
Creating user with permissions for database… OK.
Reconnecting as new user… OK.
Creating Main tables… OK
Creating Language Translation (utf8) tables… OK
Creating CVX Immunization Codes tables… OK
Writing SQL configuration… unable to open configuration file for writing: /link-to/openemr/library/classes/…/…/sites/newsite/sqlconf.php
creating a new site in my test set up (windows with xampp1.7.3). But that was not really moving a site.
I am stuck, and in my live system
please help.