I profiled OpenEMR awhile back and with Brady, we did some session management changes and tuning resulting in a marked improvement to performance. https://github.com/openemr/openemr/pull/3598
Still while improved, CDR demographic widget could use another look.
Dear Jerry,
Thanks for the pointer. At this point, we are not working on changing/fixing the OpenEMR code.
We aredeveloping use cases and scenarios to collect performance data of OpenEMR and this is done by an automated tool so we can validate whether or not the performance has increase or decreased from release to release for different functions in OpenEMR.
IN the past we thought the calendar had performance issues and we are going to generate data and load that in OpenEMR to check out the response time to make sure it is with in acceptable range. Similary, are there other hi pri functions that we should measure for scalabilty and response time?