Modules and forms - Does anyone have an example of a module that has custom forms

I have a bunch of custom forms that I am looking to put into a specialized module. Are there examples that have the forms available once the module is installed?

thank you

You may find this issue interesting as I’m going to be putting in a PR shortly to add in the render events.

It could get you part way to where you want to be. It’d be nice to have another event that gets fired on each individual form which would allow you to serve up the content out of your module while leveraging the form tables (I’d just key off the formdir for each form and serve up your own stuff, similar to the way the LBF is keyed off in the current encounter form pages).

Using the render events though would let you serve up custom content if you are using your own DB tables.

So I have a couple handful of forms specific for California pediatricians, so it doesn’t make 100% sense to bring them into base since some of them are dependent on the others (a few of the school forms require data from other custom forms) and they are unique to a small subset of practices.

Later this month I’ll look deeper into this. Its looking like I will be the person who makes this happen :slight_smile: