Modifying a form

aperezcrespo wrote on Tuesday, April 15, 2008:

  I made a form for a client and they began using it.   Now they want to modify it and add a few more items on to it.  Can this be done?  How would I go about doing it?


cfapress wrote on Thursday, April 17, 2008:

If you created the form it would seem that you could modify it just as easily. No?

Perhaps the client is asking for fields which don’t map to existing database fields. In that case you may need to customize the database to suit your particular installation. As much as I’d like OpenEMR to be a plug-and-play package I believe that each practice needs some customization to suit their needs.

Custom forms are a pretty hot topic around here.


aperezcrespo wrote on Friday, April 18, 2008:

Your probably right but I used the Formtool script to generate it.   Could I use it to regenerate it with the new parts and import it to OpenEMR?  Or not?
