Modify soap and add information

Hello I am new , can you help me please?


I want to add an additional box in the soap to put the ICD and leave it mandatory to be able to save or continue.
Also I would like to put an ICD search box

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version

I’m using: Chrome

Operating System
I’m using: openemr 4.2


In the forums i find this:

“ICD description into SOAP note
Day-to-Day Users
Dec '09 - advancedmedical wrote on Thursday, December 31, 2009 : First I would like to sen…”

but what I want is to add one more box to the Soap
and make them mandatory.

Thaks for hel pme


To add an additional field for ICD in soap form you need to follow the below steps

  1. Edit the file and add ICD textbox(as required) in the file interface/forms/soap/templates/general_new.html
  2. Add the same as new field name in database (table name: form_soap)

Hope this helps you.


Is there a way to disable soep editing?

because if the user does not sign the soep it is possible that this or another user could modify it.

Is it possible to remove this option?