Modify PostCalendar Patient Name Display

mike-h30 wrote on Sunday, July 05, 2009:

I edited line 984 in /interface/main/calendar/modules/PostCalendar/pnuserapi.php to include two additional fields from table patient_data to display on the calendar.

Was this the best place to make this edit?  Otherwise it seemed that I would have to edit a lot of ajax_template.html files in the PostCalendar/pntemplates/ directory.

Line 984
"concat(pd.lname,’, ‘,pd.fname, ’ [ ‘,pd.pubpid,’ ‘, pd.genericname1,’ ]’) as patient_name, " .


bradymiller wrote on Monday, July 06, 2009:

This seems to be the best way to get at this stuff, since it then works on all calendars in one swoop. For internationalization stuff, been trying to do the same thing; if lucky, can get it at these functions, but sometimes gotta do it in all the different calendar scripts (lots of them).

mike-h30 wrote on Monday, July 06, 2009:

Thanks Brady. 

cfapress wrote on Monday, July 06, 2009:

Hi Mike,

It seems like you got it right. Just be aware that your modifications could be lost if you upgrade your OpenEMR installation in the future.
