Modernized login with new logo and favicon

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, September 03, 2016:


Posted a PR here with code by Ray for a modernized login screen with new logo, and use of a favicon.

Warning: it will wow you :slight_smile:


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, September 03, 2016:


Can test this on this up for grabs demo:


mdsupport wrote on Saturday, September 03, 2016:

This will work nicely on small screens.

On the large screens (for long term) it would be great if the recent work can be leveraged as an out of the box web site for the practices with customizable content and links. Login should be just a small slide-down on top common for patients and staff alike.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, September 03, 2016:


Also note there are settings at Adminisration->Globals to allow customizations (kept the stuff that was already there, but turned them off by default):
Show Title on Login
Show Extra Logo on Login
Show Mini Logo 1
Show Mini Logo 2


bradymiller wrote on Sunday, September 04, 2016:

Just committed this to the codebase. Thank you Ray for the fine contribution!

matthewvita wrote on Sunday, September 04, 2016:


Would you mind putting in a small commit using the logo downsized from this one: ? The logo that was checked in is fuzzy looking.

Also, it looks like there’s a styling issue with the first form input (it’s tiny compared to the other inputs). It is somehow is colliding with style_light.css line 732.

Please let me know if you need any help with getting these changes in. Email is matthewvita [[at]] live [[dot]] com


matthewvita wrote on Sunday, September 04, 2016:

BTW, this looks great.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, September 04, 2016:

Hi Matthew,

I can do the logo change. What’s the best way to down size the logo?
(Goal is to not bother Ray now whom is performing magic on the layout tab ui: )

I also noted that the Username field is smaller with the style_light. Is there an easy fix for that?
(I tried messing around with it, but I just made it worse :slight_smile: )


wakie87 wrote on Sunday, September 04, 2016:

I just fixed up the username field.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, September 05, 2016:


I just added the full logo png and made the logo just a tad bit bigger. Let me know how it looks.
