Mixing closed source/open source modules

osverdlov wrote on Wednesday, May 25, 2016:

Good morning,

In the FAQ section “Can I charge for the OpenEMR software?” Is stated “You can cannot mix OpenEMR with modules that are proprietary or closed source. For example you can only use modules that are also Open Source or Free Software. Open Source is defined by the OSI; Free Software is defined by the FSF; they are virtually identical.”

Can anyone elaborate on this restriction ? Especially, does it apply in a setup when a client’s clinic has proprietary medical equipment and we need to write a module to operate this equiplent via proprietary DLL.

Thanks in advance.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, May 25, 2016:

Hi Oleg,

My interpretation is that if the code is not getting distributed, then the user/client can do whatever they want to the codebase.


tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, May 25, 2016:

Read the GPL 2 license.

Here is a simple summary:

Tony McCormick, CTO

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On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 12:36 AM, Brady Miller bradymiller@users.sf.net

Hi Oleg,

My interpretation is that if the code is not getting distributed, then the
user/client can do whatever they want to the codebase.

OpenEMR http://www.open-emr.org/

Mixing closed source/open source modules

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